Yard Sale Friday and Saturday, August 13th and 14th at 1005 Sherri Dr in Dexter, Missouri.
Kitchen stuff, Christmas decorations.
Decorations, bowling balls, coffee table, siding, insulation, side tables, dishes, art and craft materials, entertainment center, golf clubs, futon mattress, organization drawers, shelving, guitar, wedding table cloths,
Prom dresses and wedding party dresses (sizes10-12), bedding, games, picture frames, curling irons and straighteners, books, deck chairs, deck umbrellas, bicycles, portable pellet grill.
Candles, jams, scrap booking stuff, Red Rider BB gun, table saw(needs work)
Wrapping paper and ribbon, frying pans, crock pots, bags of all kinds, blower, baby stuff (including Motorola baby watch monitor)