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    July 2021 Health Briefs for SoutheastHEALTH
    July 01st 2021 by Dee Loflin
    July 2021 Health Briefs for SoutheastHEALTH

    SoutheastHEALTH Health Briefs for July 2021

    Starting Point Informational Meeting

    Time to make a change for the better in your life? Starting Point, a medically-managed weight loss program, can give you the tools to make it happen. Learn more at an informational meeting at HealthPoint Fitness in Cape at 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 8, or at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, July 13. For more information, contact HealthPoint Nutrition Services at 573-986-4440.

    Weight Management First Steps

    Join us for this free, informative seminar as we discuss strategies for beginning the process of health improvement and weight management on Monday, July 12, at 6 p.m., and Thursday, July 29, at 2 p.m., at HealthPoint Plaza, 2126 Independence in Cape. Are you just beginning your fitness journey? Or perhaps picking back up where you left off? Learn how nutrition, physical activity and behavior modification can help you get going in the right direction. Class size is limited. Register online at or by calling (573)986-4440.

    Heart Saver CPR Certification Class

    This is an instructor-led course that teaches adult and child CPR and AED use, infant CPR, and how to relieve choking in adults, children and infants. It will be held on Monday, July 12, from 9 to 11a.m. at HealthPoint Fitness in Cape. This course teaches skills with the American Heart Association’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows instructors to observe the students, provide feedback, and guide the students’ learning skills. The course is for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs a course completion card for CPR and AED use to meet job, regulatory or other requirements. This class is not for healthcare providers seeking a BLS class. Cost of the class is $50 and includes a booklet. Participants can reserve a spot by calling or stopping by the front desk of HealthPoint Cape or HealthPoint Jackson. For more information, call 573-755-2301 or 573-986-4400.

    Diabetes Self-Management Support Group

    Southeast Diabetes Center hosts this free support group facilitated by Southeast’s Diabetes Educators. The programs are geared toward people who are living with diabetes and trying to control blood glucose. Friends and family members are also welcome. The meeting will be from 1 to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 13, at HealthPoint Plaza in Cape. This month’s topic is “Palliative Care,” which is specialized medical care for people living with a chronic illness. The goal of the program is to improve quality of life for both patient and family. Regina Frazier, APRN, will discuss the palliative care program at SoutheastHEALTH. To register, call the Southeast Diabetes Center at 339-0121 to take advantage of this program.

    Grief Support Group: Your Grief Journey

    The SoutheastHEALTH Grief Support Group will meet from 1:30-3 p.m. on Wednesday, July 21, at HealthPoint Fitness in Cape. Topic for this month’s meeting, led by Julie Metgzer, LCSW, a bereavement counselor with Southeast Hospice, is “Your Grief Journey.”  For more information about this support group, please call Southeast Hospice, 573-335-6208.

    Healthy Cooking: Easy Entertaining Boards

     Join us on Monday, July 19, to learn more about creating easy, elegant and healthy charcuterie boards. Whether you’re hosting a few friends for game night or a special occasion, these boards are a fun way to share good eats. Healthy Cooking classes at HealthPoint Fitness – Cape are taught by HealthPoint Nutritional Services Coordinator Laura Vollink, RD, LD. Cost is $5 for HealthPoint members and non-members. Class sizes are limited. To register, call 573-986-4440.

    American Red Cross Blood Drive

    There is an urgent need for blood nationwide. You can do Do your part in our community. SoutheastHEALTH Volunteer Services will host a blood drive on Friday, July 9, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Southeast Hospital Harrison Room. Registration is required to allow for social distancing. To make an appointment, visit

    About SoutheastHEALTH

    At SoutheastHEALTH, the region's premier healthcare system in southeast Missouri, our patients receive excellent care of the highest clinical quality, close to home. Within our network are more than 50 care locations in 14 communities, including hospitals, primary and specialty care clinics representing over 30 clinical specialties and extending care for patients in a four-state area. Learn more at

    Last Updated on July 01st 2021 by Dee Loflin

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