Local Schools

Students Earn President's Educational of Excellence Award
May 06th 2021 by Dee Loflin
Students Earn President's Educational of Excellence Award

Bernie, MO - Bernie High School Seniors, Sarah Ellenburg, Brent Gage, Logan Mayberry, and Ladon Zoll achieved the "President's Educational Award of Excellence" Award.

To qualify for this outstanding award a student must achieve the following:

- 95% cumulative attendance

- minimum ACT composite score of 25

- cumulative GPA of 3.67 or higher

- be a senior in good standing

- be involved in at least one extra-curricular activity. 

These students and Mr. Brad Botsch were treated to a meal at Hickory Log in Dexter. The meal was provided by Sterling Bank. 

Pictured below are the students and Mr. Allan Ellenburg of Sterling Bank. 

Last Updated on May 06th 2021 by Dee Loflin

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