Dexter, MO - Southwest Elementary will have kindergarten graduation ceremonies this year! In order to comply with COVID-19 safety protocol, they will host graduation on two nights.
Students in Mrs. McLaughlin, Mrs. Cecil, Mrs. Ward, and Mrs. Macey Cooper's room will participate in a ceremony on Monday, May 17th at 6 p.m.
Students in Ms. Kaci Cooper, Mrs. Fortner, Mrs Tanner, Mrs. Clark, and Mrs. Horton's room will participate in a ceremony on Tuesday, May 18th at 6 p.m.
Both ceremonies will be held in the Bearcat Event Center.
The school will provide each student with a cap and gown. If you would like to order a cap and gown as a keepsake they are available for $15.00 each.
It is important to remember that every child will be given a cap and gown to wear on graduation night, but will be collected at the end of the night unless you decide to purchase the cape and gown as a keepsake.

Bernie, Missouri - Bernie Elementary Positive Office Referrals were awarded this week. These students were rewarded for their good behavior!
Students who earn such an honor also received a Subway Sandwich Gift Card and a POR Certificate.
These students were referred for displaying positive behavior!
Check out these students and the positive choices they have been making!!
Front Row:
Landon (2nd) ran to hold the door open for Mrs. Cindy who was taking a load of lunches to the preschool.
Grayson (1st) was caught encouraging older students to do good on their MAP test.
Spencer (1st) is a super listener in music. He always follows directions the first time.
Amber (1st) went out of her way to show kindness to a friend.
Kyleigh (K) has been making good choices.
Shaddix (K) showed kindness to Ms. Donna and Mrs. Salvy by sharing with them.
Jackson (2nd) grabbed a tray that someone left at lunch and dumped it along with his own tray.
Middle Row:
Eylen (3rd) went out of her way to help Ms. Donna refill the soap and paper towels dispensers, and she picked up all of the paper towels off the floor.
Josiah (3rd) has been helpful and a good friend to others.
Brooks & Jeremiah (3rd) are always following directions and being kind.
CJ (3rd) has been helpful and a good friend to others.
Jansen (3rd) was following directions and participating in class.
Travelle (3rd) helped a kindergarten student tie his shoes.
Back Row:
Tessa (4th) ran to hold the door open for Mrs. Cindy who was taking a load of lunches to the preschool.
Ciara (4th) has been helpful in the classroom.
Landon (6th) made an extra effort to hold the door open for a teacher.
Luci (5th) dirty trays fell out of the cafeteria window and she picked them up.
Abigail (4th) worked very hard on her MAP test.
Westyn (4th) worked very hard on his MAP test.
Emma (5th) shows kindness to all of her classmates and brings snacks to the class to share every week.

Dexter High School - This listing of weekly activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with Dexter High School Asst. Principal Melissa Hahn for your convenience.
We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities. The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com
Tuesday 4-27-21
EOC Testing
Varsity Softball at Ellington, 4:00 pm, bus 2:00 pm
Varsity Golf vs. Kennett/Sikeston/Notre Dame at home
Varsity Baseball vs. Twin Rivers at home, 4:00 pm - Senior Day
Wednesday 4-28-21
EOC Testing
Boys Tennis at Sikeston, 4:00 pm, bus 2:45 pm
JV Golf at Sikeston, 3:30 pm, bus 2:30 pm
Track at Poplar Bluff Invitational, 3:30 pm, bus 2:15 pm
Thursday 4-29-21
EOC Testing
Scholar Bowl Senior Night, 4:00 pm
Varsity Softball vs. Senath Hornersville at home, 4:30 pm
Friday 4-30-21
Varsity Baseball at Semo Conference Tournament
Dexter Varsity vs. Jackson at Capaha Park, 6:00 pm, bus 3:45 pm
Boys Tennis at Farmington Tournament, depart 6:30 am
Varsity Softball vs. Caruthersville High School at home, 4:30 pm
Saturday 5-1-21
Varsity Baseball at Semo Conference Tournament, TBD
Track at Semo Conference Meet at Notre Dame, 9:00 am

It’s My Mess, What do I do With It?
I live in a house with four boys, ranging in age from 14 to 20, sometimes my house gets messy. Truthfully, it is probably more messy than not, most of the time. So like many people, the first hint of warm weather puts me in the mood to do some deep cleaning. It’s spring cleaning time!
Spring-cleaning cannot only make your home look better it can have some unexpected benefits for you also. Deep cleaning your home can reduce the amount of allergens in your home and make breathing easier. Dust, mildew, mold and pet dander can cause your allergies to go haywire. Vacuuming your floors regularly, dusting and removing clutter can reduce these potential allergy triggers. Cleaning rooms that can become damp such as bathrooms, laundry rooms and basements can also reduce mildew and even mold growth, which helps keep our inside air clean.
Cleaning also gets us up and moving, which we all need. Vacuuming and mopping, laundry and even dusting allow us to stretch, lift and get some cardio in. Even 30 minutes of physical activity can help weight loss and provide a boost to our mood.
Cleaning the clutter that accumulates helps relieve stress. Having things disorganized can make us feel anxious and the feeling of satisfaction after you clean up an area can encourage you to clean even more. When all that clutter is gone, you can enjoy your new clean space.
When you are decluttering you may have gently used items that you no longer want or need. You can donate them to Goodwill or another charity so others can benefit from what you do not need. There are also re-sale shops where you could make some money.
So how do you get started with the Spring-cleaning, especially if you have not been following a cleaning routine lately?
Make a list-what do you want done most, what do you want to accomplish?
Make sure you have the things you need. Lemon, vinegar and baking soda are natural and inexpensive and can be used for many cleaning purposes.
Start small. Not everything has to be done all at once.
Play music in the background, pick music that you enjoy and that makes you want to move.
Enlist family to help or even friends. Teamwork gets it done faster and makes it more fun.
Do something every day and establish a routine.
Do not get discouraged!
I am making my list of who gets to do what in my house, since they helped make the mess they can help clean it. I’m opening my windows to let fresh air in and we are going to have a day of it. Try to have fun with your cleaning and enjoy the spring weather.
If you need information or assistance with your aging questions, please call 800-392-8771 or 573-335-3331. Because Aging Matters.

Dexter, MO - The Dexter Board of Education met for a regular meeting on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 6 p.m.
The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members, with all members being present. The board President lead in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The consent agenda was approved.
Board Reorganization: The existing board was dissolved and the new board was reorganized. The following board officers were elected:
President - Mr. Ben Worley
Vice President- Mrs. Nancy Mayer
Treasure - Mrs. Saren Demaree
Secretary - Mrs. Laura Miller
Member - Mr. Herman Morse
Member - Mr. Ron Glaus
Member - Mr. Jon Thompson
Member - Mr. Aaron Mathis
Public Comments: There were no public comments made.
Old Business: There was no old business to discuss.
New Business:
A. The board approved the April 20-21 budget amendments.
B. The board reviewed the health insurance proposals and approved GBS-St. Francis Healthcare Systems beginning July 1, 2021.
C. The board approved the district contribution for the medical insurance premium at $500/employee.
D. The board approved the purchase of the lift bus off of the lease purchase for the cost of $50,120. ESSER funds will be used for this purchase.
E. The board reviewed the MCE policy updates. They will be recommended and approved at the May board meeting.
F. The board approved the textbook purchases for the 21-22 school year.
G. The board reviewed the MSHP bus inspection results.
H. The board approved the MSBA membership. The cost is $7860.
Discussion Items:
The following items were discussed with the board:
A. Principal’s Reports
B. Nurse’s Report
C. Superintendent’s Report
D. Mr. Boles shared information regarding the Bearcat Badging System
E. Next Regular Board Meeting is May 18, 2021.
In Closed Session:
1. The board approved the following substitutes for the 20-21 school year:
Megan Hueckel
Leah Robey
Kate Sells
2. The board approved hiring of the coaches and sponsors for the 20-21 school year:
3. The board approved a volunteer coaching stipend in order to show appreciation for the time commitment and dedication to our student athletes, a $500 stipend was approved. On an annual basis, volunteer coaching staff will be considered by the AD and building level administration.
4. The board approved the employment of the classified staff for the 2021-2022 school year.
5. The board approved the employment of the following individuals for the 2021-2022 school year:
Nancy Hernandez - District Translator
Alex Brotz - MS Cheer Coach
6. The board approved the following transfer requests for the 2021-2022 school year:
Phyllis Daniel-from PK Aide to Title I Aide-SW-replacing S. Henson
Bonnie Clark-from ECSE Aide to PK Aide-SW-replacing P. Daniel
Katrina Prance-from integrated PK teacher to ECSE teacher (due to an increase in numbers of students with special needs)-SW.
Marife Smith-from special services classroom to special services classroom-C-replacing B. Jones
Jocelyn Miller-from special services classroom to library aide/food service-HS-replacing Robin Reiffer.
7. The board approved the hiring of the 2021 summer school staff.
8. The board approved the following resignations/retirements:
Rebecca Parsons, Library Aide/Assistant HS Girls BB Coach, and Rescinding Assistant HS Softball Coach-effective 4/2/2021.
Rachael Huntsman, Central Special Services Paraprofessional-effective at the conclusion of the 20-21 school year.
Hailey Anderson, Central Special Services Paraprofessional -effective at the conclusion of the 20-21 school year.
Jessica Lesley, 2nd Grade Teacher-effective at the conclusion of the 20-21 school year.
Brittany Navarro, SW Special Services Paraprofessional-effective at the conclusion of the 20-21 school year.
Diane Vaughn, HS Special Services Paraprofessional-effective at the conclusion of the 20-21 school year.
Taylor Harris, 4th Grade Teacher-effective at the conclusion of the 20-21 school year.
Kay Stevenson, MS Librarian-effective at the conclusion of the 20-21 school year.
9. The board approved adding $500 to the base to increase it to $34,200. The board also approved honoring steps for all certified staff members.
10. The board approved the following increases for classified staff members to stay in compliance with the state minimum wage standard that becomes effective as of 1/22, $11.15. Level 1 para-10.5% ($11.16), 60+ hour para-9% ($11.45), Bldg sec/bldg aide-8%($11.74), Head cook-8%($11.77), all others-5%. Steps will also be honored for classified staff members.
11. The board was provided with a COVID-19 update, which included current data from the county and the district. The board approved transitioning to Plan A of the COVID-19 Re-entry Plan. Plan A is our least restrictive plan and includes increased sanitization procedures, minimal social distancing procedures, and masks being optional in all areas.
Items at the conclusion of Executive Session
A. None at this time.