
Dexter Elks Host 2021 Student of the Year Banquet
April 13th 2021 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Elks Host 2021 Student of the Year Banquet

Dexter, MO - The Dexter Elks hosted their annual Student of the Year Banquet on Tuesday, April 13, 2021.

Each year the Dexter Elks choose two students to represent seven Stoddard County Schools each month.  The students along with their families and high school counselors are invited to a meal prepared and provided by the Elks Lodge members.

Dexter Elks Student of the Month/Year Co-chairperson Dennis Carmack lead the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer to open the banquet.

The keynote speaker was David Wyman of Essex. 

Pictured are the Students of the Month (not all students were able to attend because of sports and other obligations):

Representing Bell City: Mia Dembowski and Austin Hunt

Representing Bloomfield: Abigail Pyland and Parker Heaton

Representing Dexter: Layne Medler and Damon Stearns

Representing Bernie: Sarah Ellenburg and Landon Zoll

Representing Richland: Shelby Mayabb and Devin Duffie

Representing Advance: Nyah Wilson and Landon Dailey

Representing Puxico: Madison McMeans and Caleb Robinson

The female Student of the Year is Sarah Ellenburg of Bernie and the male Student of the Year is Austin Hunt of Bell City.

Photo submitted.

Last Updated on April 13th 2021 by Dee Loflin

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