Ed Crow, Running for Liberty Township Treasurer
I'm Ed Crow, a lifetime resident, of Liberty Township. I was born near Dexter and was one of six children raised on a farm near Bernie, Missouri. I attended Bernie School District all twelve years, then received my Bachelors Degree from Murray State University, and have been involved in agriculture and local banking all of my working life.
I retired in 2015, but still retain a desire to be involved in helping our community. I served as Treasurer of Liberty Township in the past and understand the importance of our rural infrastructure to all residents in our local area.
My background in agriculture and banking gives me an overview of the transportation needs of the area and how to achieve the most value from available funding. I can formulate a balanced budget for Liberty Township, but most importantly see that the budget is followed and maintained.
I am not a politician - I term myself as a Progressive Conservative. I want to see the area grow and prosper, but I also realize we must live within our means and pay as we go. I do not believe in deficit financing.
My wife Marilyn and I have three children and five grandchildren. All of our children are college graduates as are their spouses and all work and contribute to the well being of their communities. Three of our grandkids are in college with the other two still in high school.
I want to see jobs created and southeast Missouri prosper for them as well as your families. Our system of roads and bridges are an important part of the local economy and I would like to see them maintained as finances permit.
I respectfully ask for your vote and support as Liberty Township Treasurer on April 6th! Thank you!
Date: March 23rd 2021