Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board met at a regular board meeting at 6 p.m. on February 23, 2021. Below are the notes from that meeting. If you have further questions please contact Amy James, Superintendent at Dexter Public Schools.
The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members. Six members of the board were present, with Mr. Morse being absent. The board President leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Consent Agenda: The consent agenda was approved.
5. Public Comments: There were no public comments made.
6. Old Business: There was no old business to discuss.
7. New Business:
A. The board approved the 20-21 budget amendments for the month of February.
B. The board approved the 2021 summer dead period dates for MSHSAA activities. The dates are July 31-August 8th.
C. The board approved therapy service contracts for the 21-22 school year.
D. The board approved the bus bids for the 21-22 school year. The school will purchase 2 buses from Midwest Transit Equipment, Inc. at the cost of $99,980 per bus.
8. Discussion Items: The following items were discussed with the board:
A. Principal’s Reports
B. Nurse’s Report
D. Superintendent’s Report (See Attachment)
E. Next Regular Board Meeting is March 23, 2021.

Dexter, MO - T.S. Hill Middle School students performed La La Land Law at the Dexter High School on Thursday, February 26, 2021.
"It's a smaller cast than in past years," commented Jessica Jinkerson, 8th grade Social Studies teacher. "I'm just glad we got to perform in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic."
"They worked very hard and I am pleased with the results."
Percival S. Wolf, played by Kyle Warren, stands accused of pushing Humpty Dumpty off the wall near the king's castle. Humpty, who survives his famous fall with all his injuries tells a forlorn tale of persecution by Wolf throughout his childhood years.
Witnesses for the prosecution led by attorney Mr. Larry Payson played by Corbin Williams, were Captain Woodrow Soldier played by Ethan Glaus, Dorky Pig played by Caleb Gott, and Wanda Godmother played by Lydia Hanner.
Was he guilty or innocent? The courtroom drama played out well with even commercials for the audience to view.
Courtroom Cast
BAILIFF Brianna Jenkins
HUMPTY R. DUMPTY Layton Shafer
MR. LARRY PAYSON Korbin Williams
Witnesses for the Prosecution
DORKY PIG Caleb Gott
Witnesses for the Defense
DOC LITTLE Jacob Lutmer
Actors for the Commercials
Commercial #1
ANNOUNCER (Commercial #1 & #2) Katie Carrillo
A CHILD Briley Engler
WOMAN Brooke Morgan
Commercial #2
PERSON #1 Carly McMunn
PERSONS #2-3 Emma Pennington. Maggie McMillion
Commercial #3
CINDERELLA Emma Pennington
SNOW WHITE Maggie McMillion
Commercial #4
HAZEL Febe Worley
Sound by Caden Lee

Dexter, MO - Several Dexter High School students were selected to the 2021 All-District Choir.
This year the All-District Choir was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 9th grade and 10th grade Choir will not perform.
The 11th grade and 12th grade will have an opportunity to audition for the All-State Choir which will also be virtual.
The Dexter members of the 9th and 10th grade All-District Choir are: Sopranos - Gracen Hampton, Katy Hawkins, Reanna Laden, Amber Madigan and Addy Medley. Altos - Gabbie Dunivan, Lily Parker, Molly Simmons and Grace Sepulvado. Tenors - Dylan Greene, Kaden Lirely, Ashton Long and Carson Williams. Bass - Luke Gentry, Landon Jarrell, Kylan Moore and Taylor Oliva.
The members of the 11th and 12th grade All-District Choir are Sopranos – Myah Al-Balawi, Gerica Harris and Berkley Mooreland. Altos - Abby DeMent, Tristin Pullum and Mattilyn Williams. Tenors - Jeb Hubbard and Matt West. Bass - Keiton Buck, Tyler Montgomery, Noah Riddle, Justin Viers and Ayden Walters.

Dexter, MO - Dexter art students were among those accepted into the Southeast Missouri State University - Cape Girardeau Student Art Show.
There were 198 pieces of art submitted and 99 are going to be on exhibit at the River Campus in Cape Girardeau.
There will be a virtual ceremony this weekend to announce the winners.
Dexter students who were chosen are:
Rachel Lin - Drawing "Daydreams"
Gage Coleman - Graphic Design,"Man on the Moon" and "Frank Sinatra"
Ronnie Palmer - Photography "Do the Dew"
Makenzie Hudson - Photography "Running Round" and Drawing "Audrey Hepburn"
Not pictured
Abigail Thompson - Digital Art "Arcade"
Makayla Annester - Mixed Media "Sly Glamour"

Essex, MO - Richland R-1 will host Preschool Screening and Kindergarten Enrollment on Monday, March 15, 2021 from 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
This is a 3-5 year old screening, as well as a Kindergarten screening/enrollment for the 2021-2022 academic school year.
Children must be 5 years old before August 1, 2021 to enroll in Kindergarten.
Please bring with you:
1. Your child
2. Certified Birth Certificate
3. Child's Social Security Card
4. Child's Updated Shot Record
5. Proof of Residency such as a utility bill with your name and address on it
Please note that the screenings usually take about 1 - 2 hours so plan accordingly.
You must call 573.283.5310 for an appointment