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Hill Elected Missouri State SR BETA President
February 19th 2021 by Dee Loflin
Hill Elected Missouri State SR BETA President

During a recent Missouri State BETA Convention, several Bloomfield High School and Junior High School students qualified to attend the National BETA Convention in Orlando, Florida.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Missouri State convention was conducted in a virtual manner on February 3, 2021; however the National BETA Convention is slated to be a live event.

Bloomfield will be well represented at the National Convention.  TJ Bracken was elected as the Junior BETA State Vice President and Dawson Hill was elected to the office of SR BETA State President. for the 2021-2022 year.

Hill also earned 1st Place with his campaign skit.  Bracken was awarded 3rd Place for his campaign skit.

In addition to their efforts, eight other students earned a trip to the National Convention.

Missouri Senior BETA

McKenzie Bowen placed 5th in Agriscience

Abby Pyland placed 3rd in English

Haleigh Poe placed 3rd in Creative Writing

Bloomfield’s Service Learning Showcase placed 5th at the state convention.

Missouri Junior BETA

Andrew Gandt placed 5th in 6th grade Math

Caleb Upchurch placed 2nd in 8th grade Math

Logan Williamson placed 4th in 8th grade science

Law Graser placed 4th in 8th grade Social Studies

Braden McCollum placed 5th in Woodworking

Last Updated on February 19th 2021 by Dee Loflin

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