Dexter, MO - During a recent Missouri State BETA Convention, several Dexter High School and Middle School students qualified to attend the National BETA Convention in Orlando, Florida. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Missouri State convention was conducted in a virtual manner on February 3, 2021; however the National BETA Convention is slated to be a live event.
Dexter Senior BETA members who qualified are:
Maddie Glaus, 1st Place 10th Grade Math
Evan Grobe, 1st Place 12th Grade Social Studies
Kinleigh Chappell, 1st Place Division 1 Speech
Layne Medler, 2nd Place 12th Grade Language Arts
Rachel Lin, 2nd Place Division II Onsite Drawing and 3rd Place Division II Mixed Media
Quiz Bowl earned 2nd Place: Rachel Lin, Hannah Guy, Evan Grobe, Tara Williams, and Layne Medler.
Hannah Guy, 2nd Place, Division 1 Jewelry and 4th Place, 10th Grade Social Studies
Alise Howell, 3rd Place 10th Grade Language Arts and 3rd Place Division 1 Creative Writing
Makenzie Hutson, 4th Place Division II Color Photography
Kennedy Bess, 4th place 11th Grade Math
Andrew Ellinghouse, 4th Place 12th Grade Math
Tara Williams, 5th place 12th Grade Science
Representing Dexter on the Junior BETA level are Houston Neely who placed 2nd in 7th grade math, Adeline Prance who placed 1st in 8th grade math and Korbin Williams who placed 1st in 8th grade science.