Dexter, MO - This is an indoor yard sale and everything must go! Located at 1014 North Woodland in Dexter from 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Saturday, January 9, 2021..
This list is long, but here are just a few items available: small kitchen appliances, furniture, shelves, tvs, electronic books, yarn and crafting materials, ping pong table, Christmas items, board games, 2008 Chevy Malibu, lawn mower, leaf blower, snow shovels, regular shovel, computer print with Wi-Fi capabilities, Bose Sound accessory, Samsung notebook, electronic dartboard, small card table with four chairs, desk chair, futon, game cube, Wii, and PS II games, (no console), Coca-Cola collectables, plates, dishes, bowls, glasses, microwave, baseball gear, left handed catchers mitt, miscellaneous tools, lots of decorations type items, water jugs, Igloo, blender, KitchenAid, a combination air fryer pressure cooker, George Foreman grill, large Keurig, small Keurig, lots of Legos and a Lego table, Piano light, lots of piano music, several sleeping bags of different warmth ratings, Scouting materials, shirts, books and various scouting stuff.
There may be a longer list prior to the sale, so watch the ShowMe Times for an update on this yard sale.
Directions: South on 1 Mile Road and turn west onto Bain St. Right onto North Woodland.
Also you could go south on 1 Mile Road, turn west onto Fanetta Street, then turn north onto Woodland.
Or you can go down Grant Street and turn north onto Jibben St just in front of the Dexter schools. Turn left onto Fanetta then right onto Woodland.
No matter the direction just don't miss out on this huge sale!