Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - October 20, 2020
Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board met on October 20, 2020. Below are the notes from that meeting.
Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge:
The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members as present, and then leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda: The consent agenda was approved.
Public Comments: There were no public comments made.
Old Business:
There was no old business during this meeting.
New Business:
A. The board approved the 19-20 audit presented by Patrick Kintner.
B. The board approved the 20-21 budget amendments for the month of October.
C. The board approved bus routes for the 20-21 school year presented by Gavin Miller.
D. The board approved the 20-21 assessment plan presented by Laura Stone.
E. The board approved the 19-20 A+ program report presented by Laura Stone.
F. The board approved the local compliance plan for special education presented by Jessica Lambert.
G. The board approved change order #3 for the remaining construction projects. This included window tinting for the high school and plaques to be placed in the new buildings.
H. The board approved changes to the 20-21 school calendar. Three full days will be changed to three-½ days of student attendance. This will be used for collaborative PD and virtual instructional planning for teachers. The dates of these early release days are: 1/29, 3/11, 4/1.
Discussion Items: The following items were discussed with the board:
A. Principal’s Reports
B. Nurse’s Report
C. Assistant Superintendent Report
D. Superintendent’s Report (See Attachment)
E. Next Regular Board Meeting is November 17, 2020.
In Closed Session:
1. The board approved the following substitutes for the 20-21 school year:
Joyce Cash-Nurse
Brittany Mathis-Nurse
Tanner Boening
Kristin Cooper
Jackie Kiger
Tristan Montgomery
Leslie Neely
Michael Williams
Judy Miller
Marissa Mills
Kriste Hux
2. The board approved hiring of Jonathon Davis as a full-time IT Technician for the 2020-2021 school year.
3. The board approved the transfer of Josh Hester as a sub bus driver to a full-time bus driver.
4. The board approved the letter of resignation from Christy Kelly effective 10/14/20-Central building aide.
5. The board approved the termination of Evan Quoos, all employment-effective Friday, September 18, 2020.
6. The board approved the termination of Heather Quoos, bus aide-effective Friday, September 18, 2020.
7. The board denied a request from a certified staff member to be released from their current contract, effective immediately.
8. The board reviewed a letter from a group of 6th grade parents regarding gym rentals. The board agreed to the opening of rentals with increased procedures to safeguard against COVID-19. This will begin on 11/9/2020.
9. The board approved the hiring of Brooke Gott as the Central building aide for the 2020-2021 school year, pending a favorable background check.
10. The board approved the hiring of Christina Jenkins as the Central library aide for the 2020-2021 school year, pending a favorable background check.
11. The board was informed of any staff member currently following an improvement plan or notice of deficiency.
12. The board approved the letter of resignation from Heather Rice effective 12/31/20-high school secretary.
Items at the conclusion of Executive Session
A. None at this time.