Local Schools

The Retiring 2019 DHS Fall Homecoming Queen Rachel Lin.
September 22nd 2020 by Dee Loflin
The Retiring 2019 DHS Fall Homecoming Queen Rachel Lin.

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Bearcats held their annual Fall Homecoming Queen Coronation on Friday,  September 18, 2020 at Charles Bland Stadium.

Ten Candidates walked down the track hoping to become the next Homecoming Queen.  Each candidate will have a special article.

The retiring 2019  Homecoming Queen is Rachel Lin.

Rachel is a junior at DHS and the daughter of Min Lin.

She is a member of Student council, HOSA, Pep Club, Senior Beta Club, FCCLA, Art Club, athletic leadership council, and Rotary Interact.

Rachel also serves as the Vice President of FBLA. She is in the top ten percent of her class and a member of the varsity football and basketball cheer squads and varsity track and field.

After high school, Rachel plans to attend college and pursue a career in the medical field.

Rachel is escorted by Camden Riley. Camden is a junior at DHS and the son of Andy & Natalie Riley.

Camden describes Rachel as smart, athletic, and kind.

Last Updated on September 22nd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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