Local Schools

Dexter Public Schools Seek Your Help in a Survey
July 15th 2020 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Public Schools Seek Your Help in a Survey

Dexter, MO - Dexter Public Schools needs your input that will help them plan for the future for online learning and transportation issues should the need arise.  You must have a student in the district to fill out this survey.

Please fill out the survey for each STUDENT in your HOUSEHOLD!

Questions you will answer are your e-mail address, student's first and last name, grade level, if your child uses bus transportation, do you live within one mile of the school, does your home have internet connection, and what type of electronic devices are available in your student's home.  

It takes less than 2 minutes to complete and would be a tremendous help to the school to determine needs etc in the even COVID-19 causes some issues this fall!!  Everyone hopes not, but it is better to be prepared.

Click HERE to take the SURVEY!

Last Updated on July 15th 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - June 25, 2020
June 29th 2020 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - June 25, 2020

Dexter, MO - The Dexter Public School Board held a regularly scheduled meeting on June 25, 2020 at  6 p.m.  Below are the minutes from that meeting.

Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge  - The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members present, with the exception of Mr. Herman Morse. 

Mrs. Nancy Mayer attended via Zoom.  He then leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Consent Agenda:  The consent agenda was approved.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments made.    

Old Business:  

A.    None

New Business: 

A. The 20-21 handbooks for Southwest Elementary, Central Elementary, TS Hill Middle School, and Dexter High School were approved. 

B. Athletic training services from Southeast Health were approved for the 20-21 school year.

C. A general fund transfer to zero out the special fund balance was approved.

D. A general fund transfer to the capital projects fund balance was approved.  

E.  A maximum transportation fund transfer to the capital projects fund balance was approved.  

F. The budget for the 20-21 school year was approved. 

G. Mr. Rick Willams was approved as the treasurer for the Dexter Public Schools Foundation.

H. Mr. Ben Worley was approved as a member of the Dexter Public Schools Foundation.

 Discussion Items:

A. Mrs. James discussed the building attendance and discipline reports from the 19-20 school year.  

B. A transportation summary report was given by Mr. Gavin Miller.

C. Mrs. James gave an update on the re-entry plan task force.  

D. A summary on the phase II construction projects was given by Mr. Miller.

E. The next board meeting was set for July 21, 2020 at 6:00 pm

In Closed Session:

1.  The board approved new employment for the 2020-21 school year:

Christy Josupait - HS Special Services Paraprofessional

Jocelyn Miller - HS Special Services Paraprofessional

Christy Kelly - C Aide 

2.    The board approved new extra duty employment for the  2020-21 school year:

Lindsay Woods - FB Cheer Coach

Rebecca Parsons - Assistant Girls Basketball Coach

Lloyd Hyten - MS Head Boys Basketball Coach

3. Approve employment of summer school staff: These were left off of the list approved at the last meeting

Marc Thrower - MS Math

Shelly Culp - HS Personal Finance

4. The board approved transfer requests for the 2020-21 school year:

Allison Sneed- From SW Preschool Secretary to SW Building Secretary

Tonya Cato - From C Building Aide to SW Preschool Secretary

Heather Tice - From SW Preschool Aide to SW Title Aide

Casey Williams - From 4th grade to 5th grade

5.    The board approved resignation letters from the following individuals:

Melissa Jones - SW Building Secretary

Heather Rice-  HS Building Secretary

6. Rescind motion of approval from June 9th special board meeting for the employment of:

Lauren Stidham 

Shanna Green

7. The board approved granting permission to Mrs. James for the transfer or hiring of a high school building secretary pending a favorable background check prior to the July board meeting.  The urgency in this matter is providing proper training.  The new hire or transfer will be formally presented at the July board meeting.  

Items at the conclusion of Executive Session

A. None

Last Updated on June 29th 2020 by Dee Loflin

More from ShowMe Times:
Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2020
May 27th 2020 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2020

Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board met for a regular board meeting on May 19, 2020 at 6 p.m.   Below are the meeting minutes.

Regular Board Meeting Notes, May 19, 2020, 6:00 PM

Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge  The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members present.  He then leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Consent Agenda:  The Consent Agenda was approved.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments made.    

Old Business:  

A.    None

New Business: 

A. The board approved a two year contract extension for the SRO with a 2% cost of living increase. 

B. The board approved a mileage reimbursement increase from $0.42 to $0.50.

C. The board approved Chartwells as the district’s food service management company for the next 5 years.

D. The board approved breakfast and lunch prices for the 2020-21 school year.

Student K-5 grade   $1.25 and $1.95

                                6-12 grade         $1.40 and $2.00

Adult    $1.90 and $2.45

Discussion Items:

A. Mrs. James discussed implementation of a reentry plan task force to help prepare for the 2020-21 school year.

B. The superintendent gave his report to the board.

C. The next board meeting was set for June 9, 2020 at 6:00 pm

In Closed Session:

1.  The board approved new employment for the 2020-21 school year.

        Melissa Jones - Southwest Secretary

Lacy Wood - Southwest building aide

Samantha Henson - Title Aide

Heather Tice - Preschool Aide

2.    The board approved new employment for MS Key Skills teacher for the 2020-21 school year.

Drew Pixley

3. The board approved a new HS ELA teacher for the 2020-21 school year .

Kathy Faries

4. The board approved transfer requests for the 2020-21 school year.

Stephanie Ordway - SW Cross Categorical switching teachers

Jeannie Childers - SW Cross Categorical to Central Cross Cat.

5.    The board approved resignation letters effective at the end of the 2019-20 school year.

                Mandy Allard

                Shena Benton - PAT program

                Whitney Tanksley

                Brandon Tanksley

6. The board approved certified staff step movement per the approved salary schedule.

7. The board approved classified staff pay for the 2019-20 school year. To ensure compliance with Proposition B, we must adhere to the minimum wage standard increasing to $10.30 in January 2021.  To ensure compliance with this standard, the board voted to approve classified pay increases for the 20-21 school year at the following percentages:  

Level 1 Aide 6% raise

60+ hour Aide 5% raise

Bldg Sec/Bldg Aide 4% raise

Head Cook 4% raise

All other staff 3% raise

8. The board approved increasing sub pay by $2 per hour.

Certified Sub pay - $94 per day

60 hour sub pay - $84 per day

9. The board approved a volunteer assistant MS football coach.

Jason Comfort

10. The board approved new employment of MS library aide for the 2020-21 school year.

Mara Mayo

Items at the conclusion of Executive Session

A. None


Last Updated on May 27th 2020 by Dee Loflin

More from ShowMe Times:
Letter from DHS Principal Alana Dowdy Regarding 2020 Graduation
April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
Letter from DHS Principal Alana Dowdy Regarding 2020 Graduation

April 23, 2020

Dear Class of 2020:

I want to thank you for your understanding and cooperation throughout this unprecedented time. As promised, here is a detailed plan for Graduation 2020. Graduation will be held on Friday, May 8 at 6:00 P.M.  In the case of inclement weather, the ceremony will be postponed. The first alternate date is Saturday May 9, and the second alternate date is Sunday, May 10.   We have worked closely with city and county officials to plan this ceremony, and it is imperative that all graduates and their families follow the instructions. 

Students who wish to participate in Graduation 2020 must return the enclosed form by Friday, May 1. Forms may be returned via Google Docs or to the black mailbox next to the entrance of the high school. Each graduate will receive an assigned parking spot via email once all forms have been received. Any graduate who does not have a driver or vehicle may contact me, and I will make arrangements for a volunteer to drive you. 

All graduates must ride in an automobile (car, truck, or SUV) with no trailers or floats. Graduates must have a parent or adult to drive their vehicle. Vehicles may be decorated with appropriate decorations. On May 8, graduates may start arriving in the high school parking lot at 5:15 P.M. Graduates should be in their assigned parking spots by 5:45 P.M.  Throughout the route, drivers and participants must abide by all state and local laws and COVID-19 restrictions. We recommend immediate family members ride in the vehicle with graduates so they can see their graduates receive their diploma. Throughout the route, graduates should remain in their vehicles and will only be allowed to exit the vehicle to receive their diplomas and for the Class of 2020 hat toss. 

At 6:00 P.M., Graduation 2020 will begin. A map of the route is enclosed. Family and friends are encouraged to station themselves along the route while adhering to state and local laws as well as COVID-19 restrictions. The ceremony will be transmitted through radio broadcast. Only the participating vehicles will be allowed in the high school parking lot, and no one other than media or school personnel is allowed outside a vehicle on the high school parking lot and in front of the Charles Bland Stadium.

The route will conclude at the high school. As the vehicles re-enter the high school parking lot, each vehicle will stop in front of the Charles Bland Stadium entrance. At that time, each graduate will exit the vehicle to walk across the stage and receive his or her diploma cover.  After the graduate walks, he or she will re-enter the vehicle, and the vehicle will return to the assigned parking spot. Once all graduates have received their diploma covers and returned to their assigned parking spots, all graduates will exit their vehicles for the grand finale, the DHS Class of 2020 graduation hat toss. Following the grande finale, we ask that all graduates re-enter the vehicle and safely exit the parking lot. We have been notified by the Dexter Police Department that students may not congregate on school grounds after the ceremony.

Instructions regarding returning all school-owned property and paying all fines and fees are enclosed. Diplomas will be mailed as soon as all fines and fees have been paid.  


Alana Dowdy

Dexter High School Principal

Dexter Seniors have already received this letter via email.  A hard copy letter also went out via USPS and should arrive at their street address.

Class of 2020 Route to Graduation

(Return to drop box or make a copy and return as a google doc by Friday,  May 1)

Graduate Name:___________________________________________

Who will be driving your vehicle? ____________________________

Color of Vehicle: __________________________________________

Make and Model of Vehicle: _________________________________

License Plate of Vehicle: ___________________________________

_________________________ __________________________Graduate Signature Parent Signature

Graduation Ceremony Map and Instructions:

We are working closely with the Dexter Police Department, Fire Department and the City of Dexter to make this a great experience.  They have asked that we please adhere to all local guidelines.  The following points are very important so please read carefully and inform anyone who plans to view the parade.

Meet in the High School parking lot at 5:15 at your assigned spot (will be mailed out after forms are received).

Ceremony begins at 6:00.

Seniors and families will ride in one car per graduate through the parade route and must be driven by parent or guardian, no student drivers.

If you do not have a car or driver, email Mrs. Dowdy and we will get a volunteer car and driver.

Other family members can be stationed along the parade route.

You may NOT stop or exit cars at any point along the parade route.

Cars may be decorated but may not obstruct the view of the driver.

Only graduate cars will be allowed on the high school campus.  

Family members and other spectators may utilize the BEC lot, Southwest lot, back lots along Brown Pilot, Central Lot, and Middle School Lot.  

Please do not park in the grass or in anyone’s yard.

We will have a designated STOP on Bearcat Drive, where the senior will exit the car, go to the stage and receive diploma cover, then return to their car.

Cars will then return to the designated parking area.

We have been told that nobody will be allowed to congregate.  Parade viewers must observe appropriate social distancing.  Nobody may gather for photos anywhere on campus.

We are planning a radio broadcast so that everyone can listen to the ceremony from their cars.  Details will be announced closer to the ceremony.  We will send that out via text and email.

Senior Pick Ups/ Payment of Fines and Fees

Beginning on May 6, seniors will be able to participate in a drive through drop off and pick up.  

Each senior will need to do the following (with only one person out of the car at a time):

Pull up in front of the high school at the assigned time for your advisory class.  

Return your chromebook and chromebook charger and case by placing on the cart provided.

Place any textbooks or library books on the library cart.

Go to the ticket booth to pay any fines and fees.

Pick up the handled shopping bag labeled with your name. This bag will contain any personal belongings from your locker, cords for graduation for honors students and a list of any fines or fees still owed.

*We will return any books that were left in your locker

*We will only allow students to come during their designated advisory time, due local and state regulations.  If you need to make alternate arrangements, you will need to email me after graduation.

*Diplomas will not be mailed until the student has paid all fines and fees and returned any materials, books, chromebooks. All fees for caps and gowns must be paid as well

*Anyone who wishes to pay fines and fees now, may place payments in an envelope with your name on it and put it in the black locked box outside of the high school entrance.  We will mark those payments off as we receive them.

*These dates are for seniors only, underclassmen will be scheduled the following week.

*It is acceptable for a parent to pick up and drop off for their senior, but we will not allow other students to pick up your belongings.

May 6

9 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.:  Myers / Hobgood 

12:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.:  K. Boles /  Chappell/ 7th hour CCE Students 

May 7

9 A.M. - 12:00 P.M:  Colley / Dickens

12:00 PM - 3:00 P.M.: A Simmons / Giles

Last Updated on April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

More from ShowMe Times:
Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - April 21, 2020
April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
Dexter School Board Meeting Minutes - April 21, 2020

Dexter, MO - The Dexter School Board met in a regular board meeting on April 21, 2020 at 6 p.m.  Below are the minutes from that meeting.

Call to Order/Roll Call/Pledge  The Board President announced the meeting is to begin, ascertains the attendance status of all board members present.  He then leads in the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Consent Agenda:  The Consent Agenda was approved.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments made.    

Old Business:  

A.    None

New Business: 

A. The board approved MSBA annual membership for the 2020-21 school year.

B. The board approved budget amendments for the 2019-20 school year.

C. The board approved Phase 2 building projects with CTS.

D. The board approved a bid to seal coat and paint the district’s asphalt parking lots.

E. The board approved textbook purchases for the 2020-21 school year.

Discussion Items:

A. The superintendent gave his report to the board.

B. The next board meeting was set for May 19, 2020 at 6:00 pm

In Closed Session:

1.  The board approved the employment of the Coaches and Sponsors for the 2020-21 school year.

2.    The board approved transfer requests for the 2020-21 school year.

Tonya Cato - Central Elementary Building Aide

3. The board approved resignation effective at the conclusion of the 2019-20 school year.

Haley Orf - HS Girls Basketball Asst. Coach

Whitney Tanksley - HS Football Cheerleading

Jessica Christian - HS English

4. The board approved new extra duty positions for the 2020-21 school year.

Angie Duncan - Director of Federal Programs

Summer McGowan - Assessment Coordinator

Laura Stone - Assessment Coordinator

Jess Lambert - Wellness Coordinator

5.    The board approved HS STUCO Sponsor for the   2019-20 school year.

                Alana Dowdy

6. The board approved employment of the 2020-21 classified staff.

7. The board approved adding a new library aide position at TS Hill Middle School for the 2020-21 school year.

8. The board approved Jimmy Deberry as the 2nd assistant track coach for the 2020-21 school year.

Items at the conclusion of Executive Session

A. None

Last Updated on April 23rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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