Sikeston, MO - The Sikeston Regional Chamber of Commerce will host their annual Golf Tournament on Monday, August 17, 2020.
Shotgun start at 1 p.m. with registration and lunch at noon.
Over $4,000 in door prizes and gifts based upon full fields. Field will be divided into flights depending on number of entries. Equal prizes will be awarded in each flight.
Silver sponsors are just $150 for a hole sponsorship and sign at the scoreboard.
Gold sponsors are $300 for a hole sponsorship, one team, sign at the scoreboard and recognized as a gold sponsor on the board.
Golf carts must be reserved by August 14th and are $25 each and can be paid with the registration fee.
All Sports Pass is $60 per team and can be included with the registration or paid at the door.
This is a 3-person scramble $200 per team registration fee.
Register online at www.sikeston.net or email entries to chamber@sikeston.net or mail entry with payment to SRC Golf Tournament, 128 N. New Madrid St., Sikeston, MO 63801.
Make checks payable to Sikeston Regional Chamber.
For more information contact the Chamber office at (573) 472-2498 or Boyd Green (573) 481-1111.