Contractor crews will soon begin work to improve Route WW in Stoddard County. The project includes pavement repairs from Route 60 to Route J.
Weather permitting, work will be underway Wednesday, June 24 through Wednesday, July 15, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Improvements will be completed in various locations on Route WW, and motorists should anticipate a lane reduction with a 10-foot width restriction within each work zone.
The work zones will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.

Contractor crews will soon begin work to improve Route F in Stoddard County. The project includes pavement repairs from Route 60 to Route J.
Weather permitting, work will be underway Monday, June 22 through Monday, July 13, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. Improvements will be completed in various locations on Route F, and motorists should anticipate a lane reduction with a 10-foot width restriction within each work zone.
The work zones will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and the Stoddard County Health Department perform drive-through testing for COVID-19 on Wednesday, June 10th, 7 AM - 3 PM.
Testing will be done in the Lighthouse Church parking lot in Dexter and REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
This is a community testing event and to pre-register you can call 877-435-8411 or online by clicking HERE.
These are some of the questions you will have to answer online and over the phone.
1. I am a Missouri resident.
2. I understand the signup process includes multiple pages. I do not have an appointment until I complete all pages and can see the appointment confirmation screen.
3. If I exit this site without completing the signup and then come back, I will need to start my registration over. I cannot save an incomplete form to be completed later.
4. I will self-isolate while awaiting my test results if I am experiencing the any of the following at the time my test is performed:
• Cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
Or at least two of the following:
• Fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell
5. I understand this test will require a swab being put into my nose.

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and the Missouri National Guard, in conjunction with the Scott County Health Department and SEMO-Sikeston, will perform drive-through testing for COVID-19 on Monday, June 8th, 7 AM - 3 PM.
Testing will be done in the SEMO-Sikeston parking lot and REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.
At this time, they do not have the link set up to register.
As soon as it is available, an event will be posted on the Scott County Health Dept Facebook page with a link to register for this testing.
This testing is available to anyone, regardless of which county you live in. You do not have to be showing symptoms in order to be tested. You are not required to self-isolate due to being tested, unless you receive a positive test.

Dexter Police Department’s Youth Alcohol Enforcement Campaign Joins National Crackdown To Reduce Drunk Driving Fatalities
‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ Campaign Will Target Substance - Impaired Drivers.
Dexter, Missouri– Local and state law enforcement will be out in full force as part of the annual nationwide Youth Alcohol Enforcement Crackdown “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” substance–impaired driving crackdown. The crackdown, which will include high-visibility enforcement throughout Dexter, will run from June 5th – 14th 2020.
Although it is illegal in all 50 States, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to drive impaired (having a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher), far too many people across the nation get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol or other illegal drugs. The latest statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration underscore the serious nature of the nation’s continuing drunk driving epidemic.
“We want to remind everyone that getting behind the wheel impaired is a terrible idea. Unfortunately, not only does being under the influence impair your ability to operate a vehicle safely, it also impairs your judgment and good sense about whether you can or should drive. If you have any doubt about your sobriety, do not get behind the wheel. If you do choose to drive impaired, you will be arrested. No warnings. No excuses,” Chief Pulley said.
“Driving while impaired is simply not worth the risk. So, do not take the chance. Remember, we will be out in force and we will be watching, so ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over,’” said Chief Pulley.