Dexter, MO - Garrett Henson is the 18 year old son of Dennis and Elizabeth Henson. He is the grandson of Ray and Mabel Henson of Puxico, MO and Woody and Miriam Chenault of Monticello, IL.
Garrett has participated in Future Business Leaders of America, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Farmers of America and Pep Club.
Garrett also has played basketball and baseball all four years in high school. He played baseball for the Missouri Bulls, SEMO Spartans, and the Charleston Fighting Squirrels.
When asked what Garrett’s most memorable moment was with Dexter baseball, "It was hitting a walk-off against Jackson!" His most memorable moment in summer baseball was winning back-to-back State titles with the SEMO Spartans.
Garrett’s baseball season was cut short due to COVID-19 and the coronavirus epidemic so he started a lawncare business with fellow classmate and teammate Haden Hillis as a way to earn extra cash. He is also finishing his three dual credit courses online with SEMO and Three Rivers College.
"Garrett Henson is a laid back kid. He doesn’t ride the emotional roller coaster of a baseball game," commented DHS head baseball coach Drew Pixley. "He stays right in the middle, where things should be."
"Garrett probably would have been one of our top two pitchers this spring. He’s very difficult to hit when he stays down in the zone. With him being every bit of 6’5”, and maybe taller, he throws straight over the top. That high of a release point working down to a hitter is an extremely difficult angle to make solid contact. If he would’ve had the opportunity to have a consistent spring, he could have done some really good things."
"For the past two seasons, Garrett has always stayed in the lineup. He’s had some very good moments for us, but one in particular sticks out in my mind. His sophomore season at home versus Jackson. Jackson is a very solid program every year. There always at the top of our conference. But this particular game, we stayed in it and kept it close. We tied the game in the 7th inning. With 2 outs, Garrett is up to bat. He came through with a 2 strike single down the first base line, and we scored the winning run. It wasn’t a pretty hit. But in that high pressure situation as a sophomore, in a conference game, and at home in front of his hometown fans, he found a way to get the job done."
"This season is one I’ll never forget because of what could have been. Garrett was always asking me if I thought we would play the season, which tells me he was ready for competition. I really wish I would have been able to see these seniors compete this spring," stated Pixley.
Garrett’s future plans after high school are to attend the Trulaske College of Business at the University of Missouri - Columbia, where he will be a member of the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity.