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NewWave Communications Donates $300,000 to Support COVID-19 relief
April 09th 2020 by Dee Loflin
NewWave Communications Donates $300,000 to Support COVID-19 relief

In an effort to assist with COVID-19 relief efforts across their 21-state footprint, NewWave Communications and the other Cable One family of brands have donated $150,000 to the Meals on Wheels America COVID-19 Response Fund and $150,000 to local food banks in the markets they serve.

“NewWave has set an example for others by helping us to ensure America’s vulnerable seniors will continue to receive the meals they desperately need amid this national crisis,” said Kristine Templin, chief development officer for Meals on Wheels America. “This generous donation will go a long way in providing certainty during these uncertain times, and I speak on behalf of the nationwide Meals on Wheels network in expressing our deep appreciation.”

Meals on Wheels America supports more than 5,000 community-based programs across the country that are dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger. This network serves virtually every community in America and, along with more than two million staff and volunteers, delivers the nutritious meals, friendly visits and safety checks that enable America’s seniors to live nourished lives with independence and dignity.

“Meals on Wheels and local food banks are fulfilling the critical need of feeding at-risk community members who might otherwise go hungry due to impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Julie Laulis, President and CEO. “We are proud to support their mission through donations that will help provide immediate aid to individuals who have been hit hardest during this unprecedented crisis.”

In addition to monetary donations, NewWave and the other Cable One family of brands have opened more than 120 free WiFi hotspots in local office parking lots and other public areas across their footprint for public use during the pandemic in order to keep individuals and communities connected. Company associates are also making masks for first responders, sending gift baskets and hot meals from local restaurants to hospitals and police and fire stations for first responders, and donating books to senior centers to name just a few efforts.

Customers are encouraged to visit newwavecom.com/events-news to learn more about NewWave’s efforts and responses in the face of COVID-19.

Last Updated on April 09th 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Walmart to Limit the Number of Customers in Stores due to COVID-19
April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
Walmart to Limit the Number of Customers in Stores due to COVID-19

Walmart has begun to limit the number of customers that are allowed in the store to shop.

Starting on Saturday, April 4, all Walmart stores will begin monitoring the number of people allowed inside the store.

Customers will be admitted one by one at a single entrance, typically on the grocery side at supercenters.

Associates will allow five customers inside per 1,000 square feet of store space, which is about 20% of a store’s usual capacity. 

Once that capacity has been reached, customers will be asked to stand in lines outside of the store at a distance of six feet apart.

Many stores have already marked the sidewalks with signage. As one customer exits the store, associates will allow one more customer inside.

Stores will also begin selling only essential items. Non-essential items will not be for sale.

Last Updated on April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

Jefferson City, MO - Building on Missouri’s efforts to control, contain, and combat COVID-19, Governor Mike Parson today issued a statewide “Stay Home Missouri” Order effective beginning at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, April 6, 2020, until 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 24, 2020. 

The Order explicitly states that individuals currently residing within the state of Missouri shall avoid leaving their homes or places of residence unless necessary.

“First and foremost, I want everyone to know that I love this state and the people of this state,” Governor Parson said. “The people of this great state clearly define who we are in Missouri, and as Governor, I have no greater responsibility than to protect the health, well-being, and safety of all Missourians.”

In order to protect public health and prevent the further spread of COVID-19, Governor Parson’s Order includes specific guidance for staying home, social distancing, businesses and employees, schools, restaurants, firearm sales, and state government buildings.

Among other guidelines, the Order requires the following:

Individuals currently residing within the state of Missouri shall avoid leaving their homes or places of residence. 

All individuals in the state of Missouri shall avoid social gatherings of more than ten (10) people. 

All public and charter schools must remain closed for the duration of the Order.

Any entity that does not employ individuals to perform essential worker functions, as set forth in guidance provided by the federal government, shall adhere to the limitations on social gatherings and social distancing. 

Any entity that employs individuals to perform essential worker functions, and that is engaged in retail sales to the public, shall limit the number of individuals in any particular retail location as follows:

Twenty-five (25) percent or less of the entity’s authorized fire or building code occupancy, as set by local authorities, for a retail location with square footage of less than ten thousand square feet (10,000 ft²);

Ten (10) percent or less of the entity’s authorized fire or building code occupancy, as set by local authorities, for a retail location with square footage of ten thousand square feet (10,000 ft²) or more.

The Order does not prohibit Missourians from accessing essential services, such as grocery stores, gas stations, and banks, or engaging in outdoor recreation, provided that necessary precautions are taken and maintained to reduce the transmission of COVID-19, including observing the social gathering and social distancing requirements set forth in the Order.

The Order shall be observed throughout the state and enforced by all local and state health authorities. Local public health authorities are directed to carry out and enforce the provisions of the Order by any legal means.

“There comes a time when we have to make major sacrifices in our lives. Many of us make sacrifices each and every day, but now more than ever, we must all make sacrifices,” Governor Parson said. “This is not about any one individual person. This is about our families, friends, neighbors, and the entire state of Missouri. For the sake of all Missourians, be smart, be responsible, and stay home, Missourians.”

As of today, Missouri has 2,113 positive COVID-19 cases out of 24,727 tested in a total population of 6 million Missourians. This data shows that 8.5 percent of those tested have been positive.

Of the 8.5 percent of Missouri citizens who have tested positive, approximately 22 percent have required hospitalization. This means the remaining 78 percent are recovering at home or have already recovered.

Missouri has at least one positive case in 76 of Missouri’s 114 counties. Over half of the total positive cases are in St. Louis region. 

Also as of today, Missouri has 19 COVID-19 related deaths. Based on the state's current data, Missouri's death rate is still below one percent. 

Last Updated on April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter Walmart Taking Further COVID-19 Precautions
April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Walmart Taking Further COVID-19 Precautions

Dexter, MO - Walmart is taking further precautions to minimize the spread of the coronavirus. The only entrance at this time is thru the grocery side/market side of the store.  Patrons are encouraged to social distance by remaining at least 6 feet apart.

The Dexter WalMart is also offering Pharmacy pick-up.  Just call Dexter WalMart Pharmacy and they will bring your prescription out to you.

Something else that WalMart Corporate has shared with employees is the 6-20-100.

6 feet is the amount of space people should keep from others, when possible, to maintain social distancing.

20 seconds is the amount of time people should take to wash their hands with soap and water.

And 100 is the temperature that someone should stay home with.

Just remember as you go out to pick up essential items it's not a time to socialize in groups.  The faster we keep a distance the faster we can get back to normal.

Last Updated on April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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COVID-19 Everyday Prevention Actions
April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin
COVID-19 Everyday Prevention Actions

COVID-19 Everyday Prevention Actions

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is working to help keep you and your community safe from the threat of novel, or new coronavirus. Take the following everyday steps to help avoid the spread of all respiratory viruses:

• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, throw the tissue away, and then wash your hands.

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects or surfaces such as remote controls and doorknobs.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

• Stay home if you are sick. Call your doctor if you develop fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. 

Last Updated on April 03rd 2020 by Dee Loflin

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