Local Schools

5th Grade Scholastic Meet Language Arts Winners
March 09th 2020 by Dee Loflin
5th Grade Scholastic Meet Language Arts Winners

Dexter, MO - On Thursday, February 20, 2020 the Stoddard County Scholastic Meet was held at the Bearcat Event Center for their awards presentations.

The scholastic meet features academic competition between the seven county schools and Woodland Schools.

Those schools are Advance, Bell City, Bernie, Bloomfield, Dexter, Puxico, Richland and Woodland.

Students in fourth through eighth grades test in areas of analogies/spelling, math, science, language arts, social studies, and at the upper levels in general achievement and declamation.

The event offers a unique and much-anticipated opportunity each March for the best of the best academically to test their level of knowledge and problem solving in a one-day testing event.

Each age group and area of award will featured in a separate article on the ShowMe Times!

In fifth grade Language Arts from left: Abigail Terry of Dexter third place, Briley Cross of Bloomfield second place and Taylor Heuring of Woodland first place.

Last Updated on March 09th 2020 by Dee Loflin

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