Local Schools

Bloomfield School Board Meeting Minutes - September 9, 2019
September 10th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield School Board Meeting Minutes - September 9, 2019

Bloomfield, Missouri - The Bloomfield School Board met at their regular meeting on Monday, September 9, 2019.  Below are the minutes from that meeting.

The board had its regular September board meeting last night.  

During the meeting, the board approved:

1. 2019-20 bus routes

2. 2019-20 Bus Handbook

3. 2019-20 Professional Development Handbook

4.  Board Policy JHCD and Board Regulations EBBA-AP1 and JHCD-AP1

5.  To Bid Depository Services

6.  To Sale Old Bus

In executive session, the board approved:

1. Substitution List pending all background checks and proper paperwork - Rachel Huntsman and Demi Parker.

Last Updated on September 10th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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