Are you ready for football season? The ShowMe Times is proud to announce the 9th Annual Pigskin Pick'em Challenge!
Week #1 is up and ready to play. Deadline for Week #1 is Friday, August 30, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
The ShowMe Times has made a few changes this year. There will be 10 weeks of HIGH SCHOOL ONLY action.
Just go to www.showmetimes.com click Sports at the top of the page and the 2019 Pigskin Pick'em will drop down. Register and begin playing! The grand prize is $100 CASH!!
Everyone loves to win CASH!!! Would you like to win $100, $75 or $50! Those are the prizes for the 1st place, 2nd place, and 3rd place winners.
To begin: You will have to Login/Register your name and email before you can begin playing the game!
Week #2 will be available soon followed by the rest of the weeks except for Week #10 which is a play-off week for high schools. That week will not be available until the brackets for play-offs are available. Each game each week closes at 6 p.m. prior to the start of the high school football games which typically start at 7:00 p.m. on Friday evenings. As a suggestion make your picks early in the week. There will be several reminders and a Facebook Event page set up for each week.
If you have trouble getting started send a Private Message to the ShowMe Times Facebook page or email Dee Loflin at dloflin@showmetimes.com