
Bloomfield Named Purple Heart City
May 28th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield Named Purple Heart City

Bloomfield, Missouri - The city of Bloomfield was recently named a Purple Heart City after months of efforts by Bloomfield City Clerk Kari Standley.

"She was instrumental in this endeavor to make Bloomfield a Purple Heart City," commented Bloomfield Mayor Bill Aslin. "I commend her for her actions and I am grateful she took this upon herself to do for our community."

Aslin signed the Proclamation on Monday, May 20, 2019 at the monthly city council meeting.  On hand were Purple Heart recipients and members of the community to honor them. As well as other local veterans including the Stoddard County Honor Guard and representatives of the Region 2 Military Order of the Purple Heart.

The Purple Heart is the oldest military award in the United States.  In 1782, George Washington needed a way to quell the talk of a rebellion at the end of the Revolutionary War.  Moral was low and they were starving.  He was afraid of a mutiny so he created the Badge of Military Merit to recognize heroic acts by his troops. No one knows home many received this award and it later lapsed after the war for many years.  It was in 1932 on Washington's 200th birthday, the modern medal featuring a profile image of Washington was created for soldiers.  

The award was made retroactive - WWI soldiers who had earned certain awards could apply for the Purple Heart.  Today many have earned the medal and we thank them for their service and sacrifice.

"I really wanted to do this for our community," stated Kari Standley.  "We have a lot of military history here and I wanted them to know that we appreciate their sacrifices.  We will eventually get a few signs as you enter Bloomfield to visually thank those who were battle wounded and stand as a thank you for their service.  It's definitely a sign of respect and gratitude!"

One of Standley's goals is to get everyone on board in Stoddard County and all the towns to become Purple Heart cities.

Bryce Lockwood, Chaplain of Chapter 621 Missouri Military Order of the Purple Heart from Springfield, Missouri, explained that the medal is given to members of the U.S. military who have been wounded or killed in action during wartime.

Also in attendance was John D. Dismer, Region 2 Commander of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. "I am proud that Bloomfield has become a Purple Heart city.  The sign will acknowledge that the city supports and honors all veterans."

Dismer explained that Bloomfield will have the opportunity to purchase road signs identifying the town as a Purple Heart City and they will be placed at near the city limits on the north and south in the beginning.  They may try to purchase a couple more for other county roads leading into the city.

"I am truly honored to read and sign this proclamation tonight," continued Aslin.  "My dad was in the Navy and my Uncle was in the Air Force.  It's a privilege and honor for the city of Bloomfield to be designated a Purple Heart City."

Purple Heart City of Bloomfield Proclamation signed May 20, 2019

"Whereas the City of Bloomfield, Missouri and our Community have a great admiration and the utmost gratitude for all of the men and women who have selflessly served their country and this community in the Armed Forces; and

Whereas veterans have paid the high price of freedom by leaving their families and communities and placing themselves in harm's way for the good fall; and

Whereas the contributions and sacrifices of the men and women who served in the Armed Forces have been vital in maintaining the freedoms and way of life enjoyed by our citizens' and

Whereas citizens of our country have received the Purple Heart Medal as a result of being wounded while engaged in combat with an enemy force, construed as a singularly meritorious act of essential served; and

Whereas the City of Bloomfield, Missouri seeks to remember and recognize those who are recipients of the Purple Heart Medal.

Now, therefore, I Bill Aslin, Mayor of the city of Bloomfield, Missouri, do hereby declare the city of Bloomfield to be a Purple Heart City honoring the service and sacrifice of our nation's men and women in uniform, wounded or killed by the enemy while serving to protect our freedoms.

Pictured: Purple Heart recipients present for the proclamation of Bloomfield as a Purple Heart City include, from left: Terry Hood, U.S. Army, Charles Hedspeth, U.S. Army, Bryce Lockwood, U.S. Marines, John Dismer, U.S. Army; Dallas Buchanan, U.S. Army, David Wilson, U.S. Army, and David McClellan, U.S. Army.

Last Updated on May 28th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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