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2019 DHS Boys Physical Education Award - Carson Hankins
May 08th 2019 by Dee Loflin
2019 DHS Boys Physical Education Award - Carson Hankins
2019 Dexter High School Physical Education Award was presented to Carson Hankins.

Awards were presented on Monday, May 6, 2019 at the Bearcat Event Center.

Presenting the award is Josh Dowdy, Athletic Director for Eric Sitze, PE Coach.  Mr. Sitze was not available as he was with the golf team; however he had a small speech prepared that Mr. Dowdy read to the audience.

"When I first started teaching here 20+ years ago I sat across the lunch table from a great man by the name of James Hewitt.  I remember he would tell me about all his life adventures and how life was a journey and to get the most enjoyment out of every day that the good Lord gives you."

"James would give me daily life advice on how to live and walk the straight and narrow.  At the time I thought nothing of it...and in my young arrogance probably didn't pay close enough attention to what he was saying.  But it has now come full circle.  The man that was one of my mentors is no longer with us...taken way too early...and is the grandpa of our PE recipient today."

"Have you ever met someone with a smile that lit up the room?  Someone that made you smile because of their personality....Can bust out "The Star Spangled Banner" on cue and make everybody stand at attention?  Not always on pitch, but delivered with such boldness and confidence that you wish you had just a little bit of that.  Most days this young man can walk by way and he immediately brings smile to my face.  Sometimes I can't take his bubbly personality.  My 'I;m having a bad day attitude puts up the not today sing'.  I have also seen him running thru town and he will give me a wave and we will chat as I drive by.  I am not sure how hard he is running because he's never out of breath....so most times I will holler "run faster" and he immediately smiles....puts his game face on....and kicks it up a notch until I am out of sight I assume."

"I know this is not your typical PE Award speech.  This years recipient is not the most athletic.  He's not the fastest, not even the best behaved all the time.  He and Tucker have gotten a little mouthy at times.  He's a dreamer, a smile maker, a talker, a giver, a go getter.  There are a few days when his past gets the best of him and rightfully so its not been an easy one...but those days are few and far between.  His ability to see the best in others, the ability to bounce back from his bad days, his courage, his boldness, his never meet a stranger attitude....he probably knows more names of the students here in this school than most of us.  I hope he keeps his shirt on as I announce his name.  He helped me bring the pep rally crowd to its feet a few years back with his no look over the headshot.  I will miss seeing him slap the floor on defense after he makes a shot and gives me a look to see if I am watching.  I hope his head doesn't swell to big...but I am very pleased today that I continue to learn a few lesson from my former mentor's grandson the one and only ....."One Shot" Carson Hankins!"

Last Updated on May 08th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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