
Dexter Schools Ask for YOUR Vote on April 2nd K.I.D.S. Bond Issue
April 01st 2019 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Schools Ask for YOUR Vote on April 2nd K.I.D.S. Bond Issue
Dexter, Missouri -  The second of two public meetings were held on Monday evening to explain the new bond proposal.  Unfortunately both meetings were not attended well by the community as a whole, but there is great support among the teachers and school staff who came to the meeting.  Perhaps people have already decided to vote YES and that will be a good thing for Dexter Schools, teachers and students.  We hope so!

Let's explain this Bond Issue!!


A bond measure to borrow money for improvement projects districtwide.  OK so then what?


Proposition 2 (or Proposition K.I.D.S.) would be for a $15 million bond. District officials have said this could generate up to $15.7 million in cash for the projects.

The district also anticipates providing another $2.5 million to the project from other funding sources, which could include cash reserves.


The $15 million bond would be paid for through an extension of the current 80-cent debt service levy, if approved April 2 by voters.  There will be no decrease in tax if the bond fails the votes needed.  The current tax will continue.

The current debt service is expected to be repaid in eight years. With the addition of the new bond project, repayment would extend approximately 20 years.

The additional $2.5 million could be covered through a lease purchase. Payments on the lease purchase would be about $100,000 per year until 2024. The district’s classroom trust fund income would be used to make the payments.

The new bond issue would be used to repay the $2.5 million, with the remainder going to other projects. This option would require another vote of the public on a bond issue. 


Improvements for Southwest Elementary

Addition of six classrooms. Four classrooms for preschool to serve 4, 5-year-old students.

Added access to One Mile Road for safer pickup and drop-off of students.  Yes a new road for people to leave the school.  If you have ever been to the school right before and after school you would see the need is great!

Additions to Central Elementary

Building a new gymnasium and two classrooms for art and music.  Right now the gym is used for lunch as well so students have to give up PE time and either have it in a classroom or in the hallway.  Anytime there is an event in the gym on stage they have to move PE to another location.

Improvements T.S. Hill Middle School

Expansion of the kitchen and cafeteria will also provide new rooms for music, choir and band.  They have truly outgrown their music/choir and band rooms to the point it is almost impossible to get everyone in the room at the same time.

More parking and new drainage flow in front of the school will make it for safer and quicker pickup and drop-off of students. Have you ever been to a basketball or volleyball game at night?  Parking is practically non-existent having to park on the road or at the high school.  Young student shave to cross a busy street if they park with their parents at the high school and walk over.

Improvement to the Dexter High School

Upgrading the Ag building to include new welding stations and added 2,800 square feet of space.

Facelift to entire building with new doors and windows.

Auditorium facelift will see new lights and sound systems as well as new seats and ADA-compliant seating.

New lobby and cafeteria expansion will bring the West Lobby a new, modern look and give students much-needed space.


Modify existing facilities to create secure, one-point entry systems with state-of-the-art fob-entry keyless systems.

District-wide Improvements

Roof replacements over much of the campus.

Replace the six-lane track with MSHSAA-regulated eight-lane track and lower football bleacher replacement.  At the current time the district is unable to host a home track meet for middle school or high school athletes.  They have to travel.

New ADA-compliant restrooms and concession stand at the stadium. A new two-story building would feature locker rooms in the lower level and a concession area in the top.

New junior high and high school football locker rooms, along with storage for tennis, track and football.

New synthetic football turf.


With the exception of the Southwest construction and gym addition at Central, everything would be completed before the beginning of next school year, AUGUST 2019!!

Last Updated on April 01st 2019 by Dee Loflin

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Keller Public Library Receives Grant
March 28th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Keller Public Library Receives Grant

Dexter, Missouri - The Keller Public Library has been awarded a $3,467 Technology Grant which will be used to upgrade four public access computers.

It is the goal of the library to maintain reliable technology services for the public and to offer an optimum technology environment, ensuring that patrons have equal access to information, training, and longtime learning opportunities.

The total cost of the project is $4,623, with the library supplying a 25% grant match of $1,156. 

This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the office of the Secretary of State. 

Pictured from left to right are: Brett Miller, Treasurer Library Board; Renee Trout, Library Board President; Robin Westphal, Missouri State Librarian; Pam Trammell, Library Director; June Lawrence, Library Board member; Bree Goldschmidt, Children's Librarian; and Alan McCollough, Assistant Librarian.

Last Updated on March 28th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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Mission Internship is a Great Opportunity for Tyler Stevenson
March 26th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Mission Internship is a Great Opportunity for Tyler Stevenson

Tyler Stevenson, 20  graduate of Dexter High School will finish his junior year at Harding University this spring.

In July he plans to spend six weeks in Lviv, Ukraine as an intern at a young church.

"We are going lead the children while we are there, taking care of the day camps as well as a couple of summer camps," commented Stevenson.  "Along with these camps we will be working alongside our host missionaries with ministering to the locals and learning hands on how to bring the gospel to both non-believers and those who have never heard the gospel.  We plan to work primarily in the Lviv area, but we also will travel to other churches across the country."

As a student at Harding University, Tyler, wants to be involved with the mission internships.  Harding University has been doing internships for almost 30 years now and as a part of Harding's commitment to be used by God to increase the number of long-term missionaries in the world.

This trip means a lot to Tyler and he hopes that he not only changes lives while there, but enhances his own spiritual belief in God.  This trip will change his life forever and it is a great opportunity for him.

Tyler has committed to raising $3,500.   As you know, financial participation with Tyler is actually participation with God in this Kingdom and what He is doing in the life of this young person.  Your prayers to the Father are also of extreme importance.  If you would like to help with this mission please contact Tyler at 573-625-8203 or email him at tstevenson1@harding.edu.  Checks can be made payable to Global Outreach/Harding University.  All funds raised will go into a restricted account and will only be used to help pay for the expenses of the summer mission trip.  You can also donate by going online by CLICKING HERE.

"As our team begins preparations for this missionary internship, I ask that you keep us in your prayers," continued Stevenson.  "Pray that we will have open and compassionate hearts to serve God's people in a foreign land.  God is so good at teaching us, and I am excited to learn what I can from this experience."

Tyler is the son of Kay Stevenson and Keith Stevenson and is a 2016 graduate of Dexter High School.

While at Dexter he was a member of the Dexter Bearcats Football team all four years of his high school career.  He also played tennis all four years.

Tyler was a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, DECA, Rotary Interact, and Dexter Honor Society.

He was a 2nd team All-Conference football team selection in 2014 and ESPN SEMO Gatorade Player of the Week in 2015.  He was also a member of the 2014 Academic All-State Football Team.

Last Updated on March 26th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter Public School Bond Issue on the April 2nd Ballot! What to know! Part 2
March 19th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Public School Bond Issue on the April 2nd Ballot! What to know! Part 2
The Dexter community has a long-standing show of support and commitment to quality education by consistently passing bond issue elections for improvements and new construction for the last 40 years.  They are asking for your vote on the Proposition K.I.D.S. No Tax Increase Bond on April 2nd.  Below are the proposed improvements that are needed by Dexter Schools.  This is the first time that the Bond will affect each and every student in the district and every building on all the campuses.


Recommendations for the project in the 2019 bond issue came directly from the community. A Long Range Planning Committee, comprised of district stakeholders, participated in a series of meetings and developed the recommendations. The Board of Education is now seeking permission from the voters to access funding for the following identified priorities:

•  Addition of (6) classrooms. 4 of the classrooms will be for a Preschool to serve our 4 to 5-year-old students.
•  Added access to One Mile Road for safer pickup and drop off of students.

•  Building a new gymnasium and (2) classrooms for Art and Music.

•  Expansion of the kitchen and cafeteria will also provide new rooms for music, choir, and band.
•  More parking and new drainage flow in front of the school will make for safer and quicker pickup and drop off of students.

•  Upgrading the AG building to include new welding stations and an added 2800-square-feet of space. Face lift to entire building with new doors and windows.
•  Auditorium face lift will see new lights and sound systems, as well as new seats and ADA-compliant seating.
•  A new lobby and cafeteria expansion will bring our West Lobby a new modern look and give students much-needed space.

•  Modify existing facilities to create secure one-point entry systems with state-of-the-art fob entry keyless systems.

•  Roof replacements over much of the campus.
•  Replace our 6-lane track with an MSHSAA-regulated 8-lane track with lower football, bleacher replacement.
•  New ADA-compliant restrooms and concession stand at the football stadium.
•  New Jr. High and High School football locker rooms, along with storage for tennis, track, and football.
•  New synthetic football turf.

Below is the official ballot language that will appear on the April 2, 2019 ballot, as required by Missouri State law:


Shall the Board of Education of the Dexter R-XI School District, Missouri, without an estimated increase in the current debt service property tax levy, borrow money in the amount of Fifteen Million Dollars ($15,000,000) for the purpose of providing funds for the site development, acquisition, construction, equipping, furnishing and betterment of school facilities including, without limitation, safety and security upgrades; additional classrooms at Southwest Elementary and Central Elementary; a new multi-purpose facility at Central Elementary; roofing repairs and replacements at Southwest Elementary, the Middle School, and High School; a new sports complex including a football field, eight lane all weather track, bleachers, locker rooms, concessions, and parking; renovations to the Vo-Ag Building, High School Auditorium, Cafeteria, and Main Lobby; energy efficiency improvements and lighting upgrades; a new kitchen, parking lot, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) at the Middle School; to the extent funds are available, other repairs and improvements to existing facilities of the District; and issue bonds for the payment thereof? (If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the School District is estimated to remain unchanged at $0.8000 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property.)

Last Updated on March 19th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter Public School Bond Issue on the April 2nd Ballot! What to know! Part 1
March 19th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Dexter Public School Bond Issue on the April 2nd Ballot! What to know! Part 1

Dexter, Missouri - On April 2nd there will be a No Tax Increase Bond Issue on the ballot.  Tax payers will need to decide on whether to extend the bond or not.  Here are some frequently asked questions simply answered.  There are several videos posted on Facebook from teachers and administrators asking for your YES vote!  Please educate yourself and see what all this money can do for Dexter schools. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Bond Issue?

A bond issue is a way to borrow money to fund capital projects like school renovations. This requires voter approval.

Will the Bond Issue raise my taxes?

No. This is a NO TAX INCREASE Bond Issue and voter approval will not increase the District’s current debt service tax levy, which is dedicated to the repayment of bonds.

Where does the money come from to pay for the bonds?

The District obtains bids and sells bonds to the buyer with the lowest interest rate. The District then pays back the debt over a period of years with tax dollars. This process is similar to a home loan.

Can the funds be used in any other way?

No. The money from bond issues can only be used for capital expenditures, such as building additions, repair, renovation and certain technology costs.

What are the benefits of passing the tax levy?

•  Facilities that provide learning environments that meet the needs of today and tomorrow's students with proper technology, safety, security, and comfort.

•  Energy efficiency and reduced utility costs.

•  Sound investment of our capital dollars in facilities that will serve the community for years to come.

If the bond issue passes, when would the work be done?

The work would be started during the 2019 summer break.

Last Updated on March 19th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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