Local News

Demolition of Route PP Overpass over I-55 for Scott City Interchange Construction
March 06th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Demolition of Route PP Overpass over I-55 for Scott City Interchange Construction
Demolition of the Route PP overpass over Interstate 55 in Scott County will be underway from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. March 14 through March 16, weather permitting. Demolition includes removal of the remaining portion of the overpass extending over northbound I-55.

During demolition, northbound I-55 traffic will utilize the newly constructed on and off ramps at Route PP.

The work zone will be marked with signs. Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.

Last Updated on March 06th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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Commission Awards Contracts for Stoddard County Projects
March 06th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Commission Awards Contracts for Stoddard County Projects
The Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission awarded contracts for Southeast District projects during its regular meeting on March 6. Awarded contracts include pavement improvements and drainage repairs.

Contracts include the following:

A $7,340,996 contract was awarded to Chester Bross Construction Comp., for pavement improvements on the following routes in Stoddard County:
Route 25 from Advance to Bernie, Mo., and;
Route Y from Route 25 to the Nestle Purina Plant in Bloomfield, Mo. 

Work zones will be marked with signs as work is underway. Motorists are urged to use caution when traveling in these areas and plan for possible delays. MoDOT will alert drivers prior to any changes in traffic.

Last Updated on March 06th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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Bridge Closure at Cairo, Illinois Starting March 18, 2019
March 06th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Bridge Closure at Cairo, Illinois Starting March 18, 2019
Alexander County, Illinois/Mississippi County, Missouri
Location - Cairo, IL

The Illinois Department of Transportation would like to alert motorists traveling in the Cairo area that the US 60/62 bridge over the Mississippi River will be closed. 

The closures are scheduled to begin on Monday, March 18th at 8:00 a.m. extending through Thursday, March 21st, at 12:00 p.m. and Monday, March 25th at 8:00 a.m. extending through Thursday, March 28th at 12:00 p.m. 

The bridge will be open to all traffic from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. each night.  

Crews will be performing required annual safety inspection of the structure.

Last Updated on March 06th 2019 by Dee Loflin

Understanding Teen Depression - A Free Webinar
March 05th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Understanding Teen Depression - A Free Webinar

Sikeston, Missouri - Please join Bootheel Counseling Services & Family Medical Clinic for a viewing of "Understanding Teen Depression" a free webinar featuring Rebekah Gibbons.

This Webinar trains parents, teachers, school staff, youth workers, and other caring adults to recognize depression in teens, communicate about depression with teens and parents, and know when and how to seek help in addressing depression.

The Webinar is from 6 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. on Thursday, March 21, 2019.  Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Intended audience are parents, school faculty, youth workers, and other caring adults.

Bootheel Counseling Services is located at 760 Plantation Blvd, Sikeston, Missouri.

Please R.S.V.P. by Tuesday, March 19, 2019 by calling (573) 481-2836 or contact Jennifer Hartlein at jhartlein#bootheelcounseling.com

Last Updated on March 05th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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Multi-Family Indoor Yard Sale at 2106 N Outer Rd in Dexter
March 01st 2019 by Dee Loflin
Multi-Family Indoor Yard Sale at 2106 N Outer Rd in Dexter

Dexter, Missouri - Large Multi-Family indoor yard sale located at 2106 N Outer Rd in Dexter on Friday, March 1st 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. and Saturday, March 2nd from 8 a.m. - noon.

Lots of home decor', Christmas decorations, clothing of all sizes for men, women, and young adult, sporting goods, golf clubs, some furniture, aquariums, tables, chairs, CDs, DVDs, classware, plates,glasses, cups, FREE books, and so much more.  Most items are less than $1.00  Very few items over $5.00.

Come take it all, what's left goes to a donation place.  Cleaning out the clutter yard sale, very cheap!!!

Located on the outer road across from Wal-Mart in Dexter next door to American Outdoors.

Office space is also for rent if you would like to take a look!

Last Updated on March 01st 2019 by Dee Loflin

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