
Vendors Needed for Bloomfield Heritage Days
February 19th 2019 by Dee Loflin
Vendors Needed for Bloomfield Heritage Days

Bloomfield, Missouri - Bloomfield Heritage Days will be April 18th - 20th at Bloomfield City Park.  This year the Bloomfield Chamber is adding more crafters, flea market vendors, at-home businesses, antique vendors, farmers market items and even yard sale booths. 

If you have something to sell and need a place this is it!  Contact Chamber president Goldie DeGroot at (573) 568-9996.

Booths will be $20 and set up is for Friday, April 19th and Saturday, April 20th.  Thursday, April 28th is Education day for Bloomfield Schools for the pre-1840s encampment.  You may set up both days or just one day.

Details are forthcoming, but there will be several events planned including an Easter Egg Hunt, photos with the Easter Bunny, a Pageant, dog show, old fashioned foods, and much more!

Sign up today! Each booth is a 10x10 area.  You must provide your own tables.  Electricity is not available.

Last Updated on February 19th 2019 by Dee Loflin

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