Dexter, Missouri - The annual Snowflake Pageant was held on Sunday, January 13, 2019 at the Dexter High School Auditorium and was sponsored by the Historic Downtown Dexter Association.
2019 Wee Miss Snowflake Queen is Sophia Mason.
First Alternate is Lennon Weaver.
Second Alternate is Adalyn Ezell.
Pictured from left to right are: Adalyn Ezell, Sophia Mason, and Lennon Weaver.

Dexter, Missouri - Dexter Chamber Chatter from Korie Fish for this week! Don't forget to purchase your Annual Awards Banquet Tickets! Doors open at 5 p.m. Saturday, February 9, 2019.
Heartland Quilters Guild Meeting-Stoddard County Senior Center at 10:00am
Trivia Night/Silent Auction Hosted By: Stars and Stripes Museum
Time: Doors Open at 6:00pm
Where: The Gathering at Versity Crossing
-Game start at 6:30pm
-Chilli, Potato Soup, Drinks, and Desserts
-$80/Table of 8 OR $10/individual
MONDAY JANUARY 21-Martin Luther King Day City and Chamber Offices Closed
We are less than a month away here are a few things you should know:
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Social Hour/Doors Open-5:00 pm
Events Starts-6:00pm
Individual -$35.00
Table of 6-$200
Table of 8-$265
Table of 10-$330
There are still several sponsorship opportunities available for this evening-please contact the chamber office for more information on these.
Basket Giveaways - The Chamber will have drawings for gift baskets provided by businesses in the community-these can be as elaborate or as simple as you would like. If your business would like to provide a basket please contact the Chamber Office. '

Dustin Jay Potter and Taylor Suzanne Hill of Dexter, Missouri are the proud parents of a son born on December 5, 2018 at St. Francis Medical Center in cape Girardeau, Missouri.
Kaden Jay Potter weighed 8 lbs., 9 oz, and was 20 inches tall.
Kaden was welcomed home by a big brother and sister.
Maternal grandparent is Judy Hill of Dexter.
Paternal grandparents are Shirley Potter of Dexter and Danny Ray of Bloomfield.
Welcome to the world Kaden.

Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Chamber of Commerce announces this week's activities for January 7th - January 13th 2019. The Rotary Club's annual chili dinner is Tuesday evening!! Yum! Yum!
Monday: January 7
Board of Alderman Meeting-Municipal Building, Vine Street at 7:00pm
Tuesday: January 8
Children's Story Hour- Keller Public Library-Community Room at 10:15am.
"Frog on a Log" Presented by Children's Librarian, Bree Goldschmidt
Rotary Club "Chili Day" - Sacred Heart Parish Center -11:00-2:00 pm and 4:00-6:00 pm
Carryout is Available-Pies/Cakes/Cookies- $7.00
Wednesday: January 9
Regional Healthcare Foundation - The 2019“TRI” Team Fitness Challenge begins Wednesday January 9 and continues until Wednesday April 25th. For additional information, please call the Regional Healthcare Foundation at 573-624-1607 or visit SHOWME Times Facebook page
Sunday: January 13
Snowflake Pageant-Dexter High School Auditorium at 1:00pm
Sponsored by Historic Downtown Dexter Association
Entry forms can be found online or be picked up at the Bunny Patch-Peggy Barks, Ashley Miller at Jackson Florists, or Chamber of Commerce.
Deadline - January 11th at 5:00pm, Late entries will be accepted for $5 extra