Political Blogs

Amendment 1 Passes to Clean Up Missouri Politics
November 07th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Amendment 1 Passes to Clean Up Missouri Politics
Amendment 1 passes to clean up Missouri politics
Republicans, Democrats, and Independents unite to take power away from special interests and give it to the people
A huge majority of Missourians voted Tuesday to clean up state politics by passing Amendment 1 to ban expensive lobbyist gifts, limit big money, require transparent records, and end gerrymandering. 
“We are thrilled that Republicans, Democrats, and independents came together to clean up Missouri politics,” said Nimrod “Rod” Chapel, Jr, President of the NAACP Missouri State Chapter and Treasurer of Clean Missouri. "Thousands of Missourians from across the state came together to put Amendment 1 on the ballot, and then thousands more joined the fight to pass Amendment 1. It's truly a great day for Missouri." 
Amendment 1 will: 

+eliminate all lobbyist gifts in the General Assembly worth more than $5

+require that legislative meetings and records be open to the public

+ensure that neither political party is given an unfair advantage when new maps are drawn after the next census, while keeping districts compact and contiguous, following city and county lines

+when possible, and strengthening protections for minority representation

+lower campaign contribution limits for state legislative candidates and close some big money loopholes

+stop politicians from becoming lobbyists for 2 years after leaving the legislature

Provisions will take effect upon official certification of the results. The redistricting reform, requiring more fair and competitive maps, will be in effect when state legislative maps are next drawn, after the 2020 census.  U.S. law requires new maps to be drawn after each census. 

Last Updated on November 07th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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