Bernie, Missouri - The annual Bernie Community Hayride will be held on Saturday, November 10, 2018.
Meet at the Bernie City park at 2:30 p.m.
Hayride will leave by 3 p.m.
Goodie bags and hotdogs will be served after the hayride!
Love small town gatherings! Come out and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Bernie, Missouri - The Bernie Chamber of Commerce Halloween Trunk or Treat and Costume Parade is still scheduled for Wednesday, October 31st in downtown Bernie; however if it is raining the event will be rescheduled for Thursday, November 1st.
They will announce on their Facebook page for updates.
The parade time has been changed from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. and all Trunk or Treat vehicles need to be parked by 5:55 p.m.
All children wanting to participate will meet at the corner of Crumb St. and Drake St. prior to 6 p.m. Parents are welcome to walk with their children. NO bikes or skateboards etc. The parade will begin at 6 p.m. with the Bernie High School Band leading the way.
Immediately following the costume parade there will be a free costume contest in the parking lot next to Celia's.
For more information contact the Bernie Chamber of Commerce via their Facebook page.

Bernie, Missouri - Please join the Bernie Chamber of Commerce Annual Downtown Trunk-or-Treat, Parade, and Halloween Costume Contest on October 31, 2018.
Parade begins at 6 with costume contest to follow. $50 cash prize awarded to the "Best Trunk"!
5:35 - Trunk-or-Treat vehicles parked & ready in lot across from Main Street Pizza on Drake Street. Enter at the NORTH entrance to get to spots.
5:35 - 6:00 Parade participants meet at the corner of Crumb & Drake Street. Parents are welcome to walk with children. No bikes or skateboards, please.
6:00 - Parade begins, led by Bernie High School band.
If you have a downtown business,we hope you will join in the festivities! Local business owners, churches, and community members are encouraged to attend and set up in the lot across from Main Street Pizza.
Participants MUST be parked there by 5:35 PM. If parking spots are taken, participants are welcome to set up along the sidewalks downtown.
No reserved spots. First come,first served!
FREE costume contest immediately following parade!
Location: Between Celia's Curl Up 'NDye and Bernie Fitness Center
0 - 3 Years
4 Years-Kindergarten
1st- 3rd Grade
4th - 6th Grade
Age groups will line up in front of judges after their group is called. Judges will award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes.
Winners will receive a small Halloween gift and will have their photos taken.
Trick-or-treaters will then enjoy the rest of the evening through the downtown area!

Bernie, Missouri - Starting Monday, October 16th thru October 20th the Bernie Chamber of Commerce members will hide painted pumpkins EVERYDAY throughout Bernie.
There will be two pumpkins hidden each day the week of the Bernie Fall Festival.
Please watch their Facebook page because as the pumpkins are hidden each day they will post clues to lead you right to them.
Once you have found the pumpkin, it is yours to keep. They would love to see your photos with the pumpkins on their Facebook page. Click HERE>
The best part is not only do you get to keep the painted pumpkin, but you will also receive a prize!
Just bring the pumpkin you find to the Bernie Chamber of Commerce booth at the Fall Festival on Saturday, October 21st.

Bernie, Missouri - Please join the Bernie Chamber of Commerce on Saturday, October 21st at their annual Fall Festival for their first Pie Eating Contest. The contest will begin at 12:30 p.m.
Free entry for children's division and only $5.00 for the adult division. Prize are $25 for children and $75 for adult.
Children's age division is 7 - 11 and adult is 12 - 100.
Contest Rules:
1. Pies will be placed on table and hands will be held behind backs.
2. Children’s Division will be open to ages 7-11. Adult division will be open to ages 12-100.
3. There will be a five minute time set for each division.
4. The first person to finish his/her pie and stand up, or when the time limit is reached, will be declared the winner.
5. A cash prize in the amount of $25 for children’s division and $75 for adult division will be awarded to the winner.
6. In the event of a tie there will be two judges to make to finial decision.
7. Any visible signs of sickness will cause disqualification.
8. Waiver must be signed by contestants prior to contest. All children contestants must have a parent’s signature on the waiver.
9. The number of contestants will be limited to the first 10 to register in each division.
10. There will be a $5 entry fee for the adult division and FREE for the children’s division.
Please bring cash or make checks payable to Bernie Chamber of Commerce.