The Dexter Fire Department would like to remind everyone to change and test the batteries in their home and business smoke alarms. Also it's a good time of the year to check carbon monoxide detectors when setting the clocks back for daylight saving time!
Daylight Saving Time ends this Sunday, November 4th at 2 a.m. So before you head off to bed on Saturday evening flip your clocks back one hour! You gain an hour of sleep!
Dexter Fire Chief Don Seymore stated, "It's the perfect time to remember that when you set your clocks back, check your smoke detector battery and your carbon monoxide detector."
"It's such an inexpensive way to save you or your family if a fire were to happen in your home. Also don't forget to check the smoke detectors as your work. If you have a small business you need one as well."
The National Fire Protection Association reported that 71% of smoke alarms which failed to operate had missing or dead batteries. This reinforces how important it is to take the time each year and check them.
Chief Seymore also would like to remind people to check other devices that keep us safe, secure and comfortable in our homes such as flashlights, fire extinguishers, and weather radios.
Just remember to Fall Back on Sunday and check those batteries. It could mean saving your life!