Bernie, Missouri - Please join the Bernie Chamber of Commerce Annual Downtown Trunk-or-Treat, Parade, and Halloween Costume Contest on October 31, 2018.
Parade begins at 6 with costume contest to follow. $50 cash prize awarded to the "Best Trunk"!
5:35 - Trunk-or-Treat vehicles parked & ready in lot across from Main Street Pizza on Drake Street. Enter at the NORTH entrance to get to spots.
5:35 - 6:00 Parade participants meet at the corner of Crumb & Drake Street. Parents are welcome to walk with children. No bikes or skateboards, please.
6:00 - Parade begins, led by Bernie High School band.
If you have a downtown business,we hope you will join in the festivities! Local business owners, churches, and community members are encouraged to attend and set up in the lot across from Main Street Pizza.
Participants MUST be parked there by 5:35 PM. If parking spots are taken, participants are welcome to set up along the sidewalks downtown.
No reserved spots. First come,first served!
FREE costume contest immediately following parade!
Location: Between Celia's Curl Up 'NDye and Bernie Fitness Center
0 - 3 Years
4 Years-Kindergarten
1st- 3rd Grade
4th - 6th Grade
Age groups will line up in front of judges after their group is called. Judges will award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes.
Winners will receive a small Halloween gift and will have their photos taken.
Trick-or-treaters will then enjoy the rest of the evening through the downtown area!