Dexter, Missouri - Dexter High School held their annual Miss Homecoming Coronation at Charles Bland Stadium on Friday, September 21, 2018
Miss Olivia Lacy is the 5th candidate this evening.
Olivia is the daughter of Kim and Steven Lacy.
She was nominated by the Football Cheerleading team.
Olivia is a member of Football Cheerleading team, Kickin’ Cats dance team, Varsity track team, FCA, FTA, FBLA, pep club, Beta club Secretary, yearbook staff, ALA Missouri Girls State delegate, All American Cheer team, dancer at Melissa’s studio of Performing Arts in Sikeston.
Olivia plans to attend the University of Mississippi and major in Business and performing Arts.
Escorting Miss Lacy tonight is Matthew Agey.
Matthew is the son of David and Debbie Agey.
He is involved in Varsity Football, Varsity golf, FCA, FFA, Sons of American Legion, 4H, Treasurer of Young Republicans Club.