Jennings Family Receives Missouri Century Farm Recognition
August 29th 2018 by Dee Loflin

Bloomfield, Missouri - The Stoddard County University of Missouri Extension Council awards the Randy E. Jennings family the Missouri Century Farm designation.
The Missouri Century Farm is awarded to those families who have continuously owned a Missouri farm for 100 years. To qualify, farms must meet the following guidelines: The same family must have owned the farm for 100 consecutive years. The line of ownership from the original settler or buyer may be through children, grandchildren, siblings, and nephews or nieces, including through marriage or adoption. The farm must be at least 40 acres of the original land acquisition and make a financial contribution to the overall farm income.
The award is in cooperation with University of Missouri and Missouri Farm Bureau.
Since Missouri began the program in 1976, more than 8,000 Century Farms have been recognized.
Pictured in the photo from left to right: Jana Jennings, Kristi Baker, CES/4-H Youth Development Specialist, and Randy E. Jennings.
Last Updated on August 29th 2018 by Dee Loflin