Local Schools

Dexter High School Daily Announcements for Monday, Aug 20, 2018
August 20th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Dexter High School Daily Announcements for Monday, Aug 20, 2018
Dexter High School Daily Announcements for Monday, August 20th, 2018

Celebrating Birthdays this week

Dylan Shelton-19th
Allison Thurlkill-20th
Margo Nea-22nd
Gabriel Oneal-23rd
Taylor Kallio-24th
Tyler Lopez-25th
Alexa & Elise Noles-25th, Tucker Mitchell-26th

Sign up for  DHS REMIND
Text the number 81010    this message @b22kec

Students who are interested in joining the DHS Epsilon Beta Book Club should check their email for information from Mrs. Hobgood.  Dues are due by Monday, August 27th, at 4PM.

There will be a Stoddard County Young Democrats meeting in Mr. Bennett's room Wednesday, August 22, after school.

Reminder to students that they will incur a charge for all trays or individual food items they get in the cafeteria.  Students can check their account balances on the SIS Student Portal.

Advisory schedule change for Tuesday -  Tuesday will be a DHS Pep Club meeting during advisory instead of a Senior Class Orientation.

Any student who wishes to attend the Pep Club meeting needs to bring $5.00 on Tuesday and plan to meet in the auditorium during advisory.  We will have sign ups for class representatives at this time and plan to organize ourselves for volleyball and football.

Any student interested in playing golf this year should go see Coach Sitze this week.

There will be open gym for boys basketball on Monday, August 20th and Thursday, August 23rd after school in the BEC until 5:00 pm.

Kicking Cats Dance Team - The make up dance camp is Saturday September 8th from 10:00-12:00 at Melissa's school of dance in Sikeston. Please bring money.  It is $18 for the day and $10 for everyday that you missed unless you have paid in full.  If you are unable to attend please turn in your money into the office and notify Mrs. Monroe.  It is very important that you be there.

Calendar / Upcoming Events

Monday, August 20th
Boys Basketball Open Gym, 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm, BEC

Tuesday, August 21st
PEP CLUB MEETING - Advisory Period 

Wednesday, August 22nd
Stoddard County Young Democrats meeting, 3:00 pm, Mr. Bennetts classroom

Friday, August 24th
Varsity Football at Ste. Genevieve, 7 pm, player bus departs 3:00 pm, cheer bus departs 4:15 pm
Girls Tennis vs. Poplar Bluff at home, 4:00 pm

Last Updated on August 20th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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