Local Schools

Students Perform with MCDA 9th - 10th Grade Honors Choir
August 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Students Perform with MCDA 9th - 10th Grade Honors Choir
On July 18th these Dexter students had the honor of performing with students from around the state in the Missouri Choral Directors Association 9th-10th grade Honors Choir.  These students had to send in an audio submission to Missouri judges. 

They were informed in May that they had been chosen to represent Dexter at Jefferson City, Mo along side of other students from the state.  They met to practice throughout the summer.  They came together on the 18th to put it all together. 

"This was the best 9th-10th concert I have heard at Jefferson City.  They were pushed out of their comfort zones and it made for a beautiful concert.    They were given difficult music to learn and memorize.  They represented us well with their voices and with their behavior," commented Jamie Sepulvado, Dexter School Choral Director.

Pictured from left to right: Justin Viers (9th), Tristin Pullum(9th), Jeb Hubbard (9th) , Mattilyn Williams (9th)

Last Updated on August 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Students Perform with MCDA 7th - 8th Grade Honors Choir
August 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Students Perform with MCDA 7th - 8th Grade Honors Choir

On July 18th these Dexter students had the honor of performing with students from around the state in the Missouri Choral Directors Association 7th-8th grade Honors Choir.  These students had to send in an audio submission to Missouri judges. 

They were informed in May that they had been chosen to represent Dexter at Jefferson City, Mo along side of other students from the state.  They met to practice throughout the summer.  They came together on the 18th to put it all together. 

"Their concert was beautiful.  They honestly didn't sound like a 7th/8th grade choir.  Their voices blended well and sounded so mature.  They represented us well with their voices and with their behavior.  These students are leaders in choir and I'm so proud of all of them," stated Jamie Sepulvado, Dexter School Choral Director.  

This is one of the largest groups to have the honor of going to Jefferson City, Mo. 

Pictured left to right back row: Gabbie Dunivan, RJ Jones, Kylan Moore, Logan Jones, Gabe McGhee, and Mia Williams.

Front row for left to right: Maddie Glaus, Molly Simmons, Jayci Holcomb, Grace Sepulvado, and Ellie Dowdy, 

Last Updated on August 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter High School Daily Announcements for August 16, 2018
August 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Dexter High School Daily Announcements for August 16, 2018
Dexter High School Daily Announcements for Thursday, August 16, 2018

Celebrating Birthdays this week

Kaylee Watts-10th
Dylan Sitze-11th
Summer Oneal - 12th
Jakob Harris-14th
Kandee Harris-14th
Amber Pierce-14th
Shelby Haynes-15th
Nicholas March-15th
Jessie Still, 15th
Garrison Collier-16th
Abigail McCormick-16th
Jerrica Porter-16th
Joseph Almakuter-17th
Demi Cecil-18th
Dylan Shelton-19th

Announcements -

Sign up for  DHS REMIND
Text the number 81010    this message @b22kec

The Choir is selling “My Daddy’s Cheesecake” through August 17th

Students who are interested in joining the DHS Epsilon Beta Book Club should check their email for information from Mrs. Hobgood.  Dues are due by Monday, August 27th, at 4PM.

Juniors report to the auditorium directly after 7th period today for orientation.

There will be a Stoddard County Young Democrats meeting in Mr. Bennett's room Wednesday, August 22, after school.

There will be open gym for boys basketball on Monday, August 20th and Thursday, August 23rd after school in the BEC until 5:00 pm.

Yearbooks will be distributed this week.  

Calendar / Upcoming Events

Thursday August 16th
Choir Fundraiser “My Daddy’s Cheesecake” continues
Junior Orientation - Advisory Period

Friday, August 17th
                Interstate Studios Make-up Pictures, 8th period, BEC
                Football Jamboree at Sikeston, 6:00 pm, bus at 4:40 pm
Choir Fundraiser “My Daddy’s Cheesecake” Final Day

Monday, August 20th
                Boys Basketball Open Gym, 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm, BEC

Tuesday, August 21st
                Senior Orientation - Advisory Period

Last Updated on August 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Students Perform in MCDA 4th - 6th Grade Honor Choir
August 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Students Perform in MCDA 4th - 6th Grade Honor Choir
On July 18th these Dexter students had the honor of performing with students from around the state in the Missouri Choral Directors Association 4th-6th grade Honors Choir.  These students had to send in an audio submission to Missouri judges. 

They were informed in May that they had been chosen to represent Dexter at Jefferson City, Mo along side of other students from the state.  They met to practice throughout the summer.  They came together on the 18th to put it all together. 

"Their concert was fantastic.  They were given difficult music to learn and memorize.  They represented us well with their voices and with their behavior.  We are bursting with pride for these upcoming Bearcat choir students," commented Jamie Sepulvado, Dexter School Choral Director.

Pictured from left to right back row: Landon Jerrell (6th), Aiden Sanders(6th grade), and John Sepulvado(4th grade)

Front row from left to right: Reanna Laden(6th grade), Gracen Hampton(6th grade), and Katelyn Owens(6th grade)

Last Updated on August 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Bloomfield School Board Meeting Minutes - Monday, August 13, 2018
August 15th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Bloomfield School Board Meeting Minutes - Monday, August 13, 2018

Bloomfield, Missouri - The Bloomfield School Board met at a regular scheduled meeting on Monday, August 13, 2018.  Below are the minutes from that meeting.  

The 2018-19 tax rate hearing and regular August board meeting was held on Monday, August 13th.  

The board approved the proposed tax rate of $3.10 operating levy and $02.26 debt service with a total levy of $3.36 during the tax rate hearing.

In the regular meeting, the board approved:

1.  Special Education Local Compliance Plan

2.  Conflict of Interest Policy BBFA

3.  Full Maintenance Service Agreement with MSBA

4.  District Policies IGBD, IKF, JHD, JHDF

5.  District Procedure DJFA-AP2

6.  Rescind Procedure IGBD-AP and JHD-AP1

In executive session the board approved:

1.  Hire Taylor Williams as Preschool Aide

2.  Hire Delaney Mayo as Part Time Preschool Companion Aide

3.  Hired Corey Davis as Assistant Girls Basketball Coach

4.  Hired Substitutes

Last Updated on August 15th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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