Local Schools

Students Perform with MCDA 7th - 8th Grade Honors Choir
August 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Students Perform with MCDA 7th - 8th Grade Honors Choir

On July 18th these Dexter students had the honor of performing with students from around the state in the Missouri Choral Directors Association 7th-8th grade Honors Choir.  These students had to send in an audio submission to Missouri judges. 

They were informed in May that they had been chosen to represent Dexter at Jefferson City, Mo along side of other students from the state.  They met to practice throughout the summer.  They came together on the 18th to put it all together. 

"Their concert was beautiful.  They honestly didn't sound like a 7th/8th grade choir.  Their voices blended well and sounded so mature.  They represented us well with their voices and with their behavior.  These students are leaders in choir and I'm so proud of all of them," stated Jamie Sepulvado, Dexter School Choral Director.  

This is one of the largest groups to have the honor of going to Jefferson City, Mo. 

Pictured left to right back row: Gabbie Dunivan, RJ Jones, Kylan Moore, Logan Jones, Gabe McGhee, and Mia Williams.

Front row for left to right: Maddie Glaus, Molly Simmons, Jayci Holcomb, Grace Sepulvado, and Ellie Dowdy, 

Last Updated on August 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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