Bloomfield, Missouri - The Bloomfield School Board met at a regular scheduled meeting on Monday, August 13, 2018. Below are the minutes from that meeting.
The 2018-19 tax rate hearing and regular August board meeting was held on Monday, August 13th.
The board approved the proposed tax rate of $3.10 operating levy and $02.26 debt service with a total levy of $3.36 during the tax rate hearing.
In the regular meeting, the board approved:
1. Special Education Local Compliance Plan
2. Conflict of Interest Policy BBFA
3. Full Maintenance Service Agreement with MSBA
4. District Policies IGBD, IKF, JHD, JHDF
5. District Procedure DJFA-AP2
6. Rescind Procedure IGBD-AP and JHD-AP1
In executive session the board approved:
1. Hire Taylor Williams as Preschool Aide
2. Hire Delaney Mayo as Part Time Preschool Companion Aide
3. Hired Corey Davis as Assistant Girls Basketball Coach
4. Hired Substitutes