Local Schools

DHS Daily Announcements Monday, August 13, 2018
August 13th 2018 by Dee Loflin
DHS Daily Announcements Monday, August 13, 2018
Dexter High School  ANNOUNCEMENTS
Monday, August 13th, 2018

Happy Birthday to Kaylee Watts(Friday 10th), Dylan Sitze (Sat 11th) and Summer Oneal (Sun 12th)

There will be an FBLA Officers Meeting during 8th period on Tuesday, August 14th.

Sikeston Career Technology Center will begin Wednesday, August 15th.  

The Choir is selling “My Daddy’s Cheesecakes” through August, 17th

West Lobby Doors --  Are not be used to enter or exit the building at any time.  

There will be a CCE Parent Meeting in Mrs. Crowley’s classroom on Tuesday, August 14th at 6:30 pm.

InterState Studios will be doing make-up pictures for fall athletes during advisory on Friday, August 17th.

The Football Jamboree is Friday in Sikeston beginning at 6:00 pm.

Class Orientations will be during 8th period Advisory beginning next week.
    Freshmen - Tuesday, August 14th
    Sophomores, Wednesday, August 15th
    Juniors, Thursday, August 16th
    Seniors, Tuesday, August 21st

Last Updated on August 13th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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T.S. Hill Middle School Parent - Teacher Social and Cookout
August 10th 2018 by Dee Loflin
T.S. Hill Middle School Parent - Teacher Social and Cookout
Dexter, Missouri - T. S. Hill Middle School Parent-Teacher Social and Cookout will be August 14 from 5:30-7:00.  

There will be a short welcome in the Middle School gym at 5:30 p.m.  Everyone will then be released to socialize, hang-out and EAT!  They will serve hotdogs, chips, snacks, and soda/water.

They will have contact info to share and be available to address any questions or concerns you may have.  A major focus will be sharing information about their new Chromebook Policy.

This is a meet/greet, a fun way to kick-off the school year and they strongly encourage parents to take this opportunity to become familiar with middle school policies, procedures and staff.

Last Updated on August 10th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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T.S. Hill Middle School Weekly Activities - August 14, 2018
August 10th 2018 by Dee Loflin
T.S. Hill Middle School Weekly Activities - August 14, 2018

Dexter T.S. Hill Middle School - This listing of T.S. Hill Middle School activities is a service offered by the ShowMe Times, working in partnership with C.A. Counts, Superintendent, Scott Kruse, Middle School Principal and the Dexter Public Schools for your convenience.

We hope you will mark your calendar and we encourage everyone to support our local students and their activities.  The education and growth of young people in our community is the key to everyone's future!

If you would like to submit information and a picture of a student and his/her accomplishments, send it to dloflin@showmetimes.com or call (573) 380-3318.


Tuesday          Aug 14        Parent/Teacher Social-Cookout and Chromebook Informational Meeting  5:30

Wednesday    Aug 15         Pass Out Headed to the Top Contracts

Thursday        Aug 16         Drill 

                                           Back to School Dance 6-8

Friday             Aug 17        HTTOP Contracts due back 

You have only 30 seconds to make a first impression.

It takes approximately 20 additional POSITIVE encounters to undo or change a bad one.

Future Dates

Monday             Sept 3        NO School-Labor Day

Tuesday            Sept 4        MS CC vs. Jackson 4:00

Wednesday       Sept 5        Drill

Thursday           Sept 6        FB @ NMCC 5:00

Monday             Sept 10        8th Hour Grade Check

Wednesday       Sept 12        Mid Quarters Go Home

Thursday           Sept 13        FB @ Malden 5:00

Tuesday            Sept 18        Stoddard County Parade

                                              CC @ Oak Ridge

Thursday          Sept 20        FB vs. Kennett 5:00

Monday            Sept 24        FB vs. Scott City 5:00

Thursday          Sept 27        FB @ Doniphan 5:00

Last Updated on August 10th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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New Black Gum Tree Planted at Cardiac Hill
August 10th 2018 by Dee Loflin
New Black Gum Tree Planted at Cardiac Hill
A new black gum tree was planted atop Cardiac Hill at Southeast Missouri State University Aug. 3, beginning a new chapter in the life of the iconic gum tree.

The new Nyssa sylvatica ‘Wildfire,’ which is native to this area, was planted at the intersection of Cheney Drive, North Pacific Street and Alta Vista Drive, and replaces a former red bud tree, affectionately known as the “gum tree” by countless generations of students and alumni. The red bud tree came down May 25 during high winds in an afternoon storm.

The new ‘Wildfire’ accentuates the school color – red. The black gum produces red fall foliage and new red growth in the spring.

Over the past few months, a “Grow a New Gum Tree” crowd-funding campaign raised $1,850 to help purchase the new tree, thanks to generous contributions from alumni, students, friends and community members. Those still interested in contributing to the cause may do so at impact.semo.edu/campaigns/grow-a-new-gum-tree/.

The gum tree has been a tradition at Southeast for decades. It is believed to have gotten its start in the 1960s when chewing gum was prohibited in Southeast classes. Students living in the Towers residence hall complex would climb Cardiac Hill on their way to academic buildings on the south campus and were said to have placed their chewing gum on the tree’s trunk before entering class. The original gum tree died in the late 1980s and was replaced with the red bud tree that snapped during the May storm. The new Nyssa sylvatica ‘Wildfire’ is the third “gum tree” on campus.

Dr. Sven Svenson, professor of agriculture in Southeast’s Department of Agriculture and the Charles Nemanick Alternative Agriculture Garden and vice chair of the City of Cape Girardeau Tree Board, said chewed gum attached to the tree’s trunk is not considered hazardous to its health. In fact, chewed gum had already been added to the new tree’s trunk less than two hours after it had been planted, he said.

Svenson planted the new tree and was instrumental in the selection of the black gum. The new container-grown tree came from a nursery in McMinnville, Tenn., since no Missouri nurseries had large black gum trees available.

He said the previous red bud tree, Cercis canadensis, had suffered from heart rot for a number of years prior to the May storm. Svenson said the previous tree’s health may have been impacted by its surroundings – a driveway, a parking lot and sidewalk, making it subject to runoff, including salt used to treat these surfaces during winter conditions.

The new black gum planted Friday grows slowly and produces a deep root system, making the new tree less likely to interrupt the existing sidewalk as the tree grows. The species also is resistant to salty soils. Svenson said the top 18 inches of salt-intruded soil along with 100 pounds of concrete chunks and numerous rocks were removed from the planting bed. A soil column (‘hole’) was dug as deep as possible and the remaining soil was amended with campus compost.

The compost was made at the Nemanick Garden composting facility from Hutson Greenhouse waste, campus landscape waste, coffee grounds from campus Starbucks operations and kitchen preparation waste from Chartwells. A weed mat was installed to slow soil infiltration and create drainage below the planter bed, allowing the new tree’s roots to grow deeper and in an effort to promote overall long-term tree health. A boundary curb will be installed at a later date to discourage infiltration of the planter bed from salt-treated sidewalks.

Last Updated on August 10th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Dexter High School Daily Announcements - Friday, August 10, 2018
August 10th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Dexter High School Daily Announcements - Friday, August 10, 2018
Dexter High School  ANNOUNCEMENTS
Friday, August 10th, 2018

Happy Birthday to Kaylee Watts(today), Dylan Sitze (Sat 11th) and Summer Oneal (Sun 12th)

Good Morning Dexter High School.  Today is Friday, August 10, 2018

Any student who drove to campus today and does not have a parking permit should report to the office directly after announcements.

Schedule changes will not be made to accommodate  lunch shifts or course hour preference.  If you need a schedule change due to incorrect course placement, you may stop by the office during the hour which will be affected by the change.  Today is the last day for schedule changes.

Zero hour classes will begin on Monday, August 13th, 2018. 

Sikeston Career Technology Center will begin Wednesday, August 15th.  

The Choir will begin selling “My Daddy’s Cheesecake” on Friday, August 10th and sales will continue through August, 17th

West Lobby Doors --  Are not be used to enter or exit the building at any time.  

There will be a CCE Parent Meeting in Mrs. Crowley’s classroom on Tuesday, August 14th at 6:30 pm.

Class Orientations will be during 8th period Advisory beginning next week.
  Freshmen - Tuesday, August 14th
  Sophomores, Wednesday, August 15th
  Juniors, Thursday, August 16th
  Seniors, Tuesday, August 21st

Last Updated on August 10th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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