Church News

3rd Annual Prayer Walk for Bloomfield Schools
August 06th 2018 by Dee Loflin
3rd Annual Prayer Walk for Bloomfield Schools

Bloomfield, Missouri - The 3rd Annual Prayer Walk at Bloomfield Schools is set for Wednesday, August 15th at 6:00 p.m.

All who believe in the power of prayer are invited.  Opening prayer by Heather White.

They will meet in High School Gym parking lot for opening prayer.

Then they will walk the perimeter of the campus praying silently.

Afterwards they will divide up and kneel or place a hand on specific buildings praying for the staff and students for the upcoming year.

All ages encouraged to come.

If you can't walk around campus there are benches available.

Last year more than 100 people turned-out for the first Prayer Walk for Bloomfield Schools.  It was a powerful and emotional evening as community members walked the campus and prayed for Bloomfield R-14 staff and students. Let's make this year even bigger!

Last Updated on August 06th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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