Dexter, Missouri - T.S. Hill Middle School 6th Grade School Supplies list has been released!! Dexter Public Schools return on August 9, 2018 for a full day of classes. Registration is scheduled for July 26, 2018 at the Bearcat Event Center.
We WILL NOT use 3-ring binders that zip or Velcro
1 Tub of Clorox Wipes
1 Large box of Kleenex tissues (for 1st Hour)
2 Blue or black ink pens & 2 Red ink pens
1 Box of at least ten #2 pencils
Physical Education
Gym shorts or sweatpants – No spandex, shorts 3” inseam
T-shirt or sweatshirt
Tennis shoes
Master lock provided by the school for gym class
1 70 page spiral notebook for notes only
2 packages of loose leaf paper for homework
(1 per semester)
1 2 inch 3-ring binder
1 package binder tabs
1 TI-30 XS Multiview Calculator
English Language Arts
2 70 page spiral wide rule notebook
1 folder with prongs
Intermediate level or online dictionary (home use)
2 100 page Composition notebooks
1 12 pack colored pencils
1 package glue sticks
1 70 page spiral notebook
1 3-ring zipper pencil pouch
1 2 inch 3-ring binder
Social Studies
1 pack of colored pencils
1 handheld pencil sharpener
1 1 inch 3-ring binder
1 zipper pouch for colored pencil storage
Art I
1 extra fine point Sharpie, black
1 fine point sharpie, black
1 spiral notebook
pencils/ eraser
1 100% cotton t-shirt
Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Public Schools will have their first day of classes on Thursday, August 9, 2018 for grades one - twelve. This will be a full day of classes. On Friday, August 10th the kindergarten students will attend.
Registration will be held at the Bearcat Event Center on Thursday, July 26th from 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Central Elementary has released their 2018 - 2019 suggested school supply list for Third Grade
1-LARGE ZIP-AROUND BINDER (Trapper Keeper style)
NO pencil sharpeners
NO mechanical pencils
NO art boxes
2-boxes of 24 crayons
1-container of disinfecting wipes
2-large pink erasers
2-glue sticks
2-large boxes of tissue
1-pair of scissors (sharp point)
4-packages of #2 yellow wooden pencils (no decorative pencils)
1-plain, clear, 3-hole punched pencil pouch
1-black dry erase marker
girls-1 box quart size zip-lock freezer bags
girls-1 package of notebook paper, wide-ruled
boys-1 box gallon size zip-lock freezer bags
boys -1 bottle of hand sanitizer (medium to large size)
2-composition notebooks, wide-ruled
1-spiral notebook, single subject
4 - pocket folders, 3-hole punched to fit in binder, plain colors, not decorative, no prongs
Folders: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow
1-folder with prongs, any color
Art Supplies
2- Pencils
1-Folder with pockets
P.E. Supplies
Tennis shoes to be worn to school on scheduled P.E. day
Dexter, Missouri - The Dexter Public Schools will have their first day of classes on Thursday, August 9, 2018 for grades one - twelve. This will be a full day of classes. On Friday, August 10th the kindergarten students will attend.
Registration will be held at the Bearcat Event Center on Thursday, July 26th from 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Central Elementary has released their 2018 - 2019 suggested school supply list for Fourth Grade.
1 - Binder (Trapper Keeper style)
4 - Solid color, with holes, pocket folders (NO PRONGS)
Folders: 1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow
1- Box of colored pencils
1- Box of 24 crayons
2- Glue Sticks
2- Red Pen/Pencils (more as needed)
4- Packages #2 Wooden Pencils (more as needed)
1- Highlighter
4- Dry Erase Markers (more as needed)
2- White Erasers
1- Scissors
3- Composition Notebook
1- Package Wide-Lined Loose Leaf Paper
1- Pencil Pouch (No boxes)
2- Large Kleenex
1- Large Container Disinfecting Wipes (Girls)
1-Large Bottle Hand Sanitizer (Boys)
1-Box of Band-Aids (Girls)
1-Box Quart or Gallon ZipLoc Bags (Boys)
Art Supplies
1- Folder with pockets
P.E. Supplies
Tennis shoes to be worn to school on scheduled P.E. day