Local Schools
Bernie School Board Meeting Minutes for June 2018
June 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin
The Bernie School Board of Education held its regular June meeting on June 11th.
A light agenda included acceptance of a Financial Institution Bid from Sterling Bank of Bernie for the next school year and approval of program evaluations on Federal Programs and Fiscal Management.
While addressing finances the Board approved transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Capital Projects fund as allowed for transportation and the Guaranteed Tax Base transfer, approved the final 2017/2018 Budget Amendment and adopted the 2018/2019 Bernie School Budget.
The financial statement and payment of bills was approved.
During the Executive Session, the Board accepted Haley Baker’s resignation as the 4th Grade Teacher, hired Kelsie Friese as the Kindergarten Teacher, hired Sara Nash as an Elementary Para Professional and hired Tate Midkiff as the 4th Grade Teacher.
Last Updated on June 16th 2018 by Dee Loflin