Local News
Large Family Yard Sale on Glenstone in Dexter on Saturday
June 13th 2018 by Dee Loflin

Dexter, Missouri - Large one family Yard Sale on Saturday, June 16, 2018 at 1007 Glenstone Road in Dexter from 7:00 a.m. - noon.
Furniture, bedroom suit, office desk, bookcase, treadmill, tons of household items, clothes, and scrub tops.
Directions: From One Mile Road near Burger King, turn east onto Hickory Hills Drive, Glenstone will be the first street to your right (south).
If you would like to place an ad for your Yard or Garage Sale please contact Dee Loflin, ShowMe Times (573) 380-3318. Cost is $15 and each ad is shared to Facebook and Twitter along with about 15 local yard sale and buy, sell and trade Facebook pages. Well worth the reach for the price!! Deadlines are Wednesdays at NOON!
Last Updated on June 13th 2018 by Dee Loflin