Dexter, Missouri - Six-Family Yard Sale on Friday, June 1, 2018 from 7:00 a.m. - ? at 620 Alice Street.
Purses, lamps, pictures, kids' clothing, toys, games, DVD's books, a shoe caddy for closet, and lots and lots of miscellaneous items.
Directions are from One Mile Road turn east onto West Grant towards Keller Library, turn north onto Forrest Street, turn on Alice St.
Come shop!!

Dexter, Missouri - Side-by-Side Neighbor Sales on Friday, June 1st from 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, June 2nd from 7 a.m. - Noon.
Addresses are 902 and 908 Deana Drive in Dexter across from Central Elementary School.
Children's' clothes, toys, children's bike, name brand young ladies size small, medium and large clothing and young men's small, medium and large clothing, household items, books, lots of miscellaneous.
Rain or shine.