Local News

EMS Proclamation Week 2018
June 02nd 2018 by Dee Loflin
EMS Proclamation Week 2018
EMS Week Proclamation 

Cape Girardeau, Missouri - During the May 21st Cape Girardeau City Council meeting, Mayor Bob Fox issued a proclamation marking May 21-27 as EMS Week.

In 1973, President Gerald Ford authorized EMS Week to celebrate emergency medical services, its practitioners and the important work they do in responding to medical emergencies.

National Emergency Medical Services Week brings together local communities and medical personnel to publicize safety and honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services of medicine's "front line."

Thanks, Fire Department and Cape County Private Ambulance staff, for all you do to help.

Article and photo submitted.

Last Updated on June 02nd 2018 by Dee Loflin

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Stoddard County Route Y Closed for Pipe Replacement
May 31st 2018 by Dee Loflin
Stoddard County Route Y Closed for Pipe Replacement
 Route Y in Stoddard County will be closed as Missouri Department of Transportation crews replace a couple culvert pipes under the roadway. 

This section of roadway is located from Route AB to Route DD.

Weather permitting, work will take place Wednesday, June 6 and Thursday, June 7 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.

The work zone will be marked with signs.  Motorists are urged to use extreme caution while traveling near the area.

For additional information, contact MoDOT’s Customer Service Center toll-free at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (1-888-275-6636) or visit www.modot.org/southeast.

Last Updated on May 31st 2018 by Dee Loflin

Six Family Yard Sale in Dexter
May 30th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Six Family Yard Sale in Dexter

Dexter, Missouri - Six-Family Yard Sale on Friday, June 1, 2018 from 7:00 a.m. - ? at 620 Alice Street.

Purses, lamps, pictures, kids' clothing, toys, games, DVD's books, a shoe caddy for closet, and lots and lots of miscellaneous items.

Directions are from One Mile Road turn east onto West Grant towards Keller Library, turn north onto Forrest Street, turn on Alice St.

Come shop!!

Last Updated on May 30th 2018 by Dee Loflin

Side-by-Side Neighbor Yard Sales in Dexter
May 30th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Side-by-Side Neighbor Yard Sales in Dexter

Dexter, Missouri - Side-by-Side Neighbor Sales on Friday, June 1st from 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. and Saturday, June 2nd from 7 a.m. - Noon.

Addresses are 902 and 908 Deana Drive in Dexter across from Central Elementary School.

Children's' clothes, toys, children's bike, name brand young ladies size small, medium and large clothing and young men's small, medium and large clothing, household items, books, lots of miscellaneous. 

Rain or shine.

Last Updated on May 30th 2018 by Dee Loflin

Memorial Day United States Flag Display - Half Staff
May 25th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Memorial Day United States Flag Display - Half Staff
Memorial Day United States Flag Display

Memorial Day, which is observed on the last Monday of May, commemorates the men and women who died while in the military service.  In observance of Memorial Day, fly the United States flag at half staff from sunrise until NOON , and then raise it to full height from noon to sundown. 
United States Flag Code
Section 7.M
The flag, when flown at half-staff, should be first hoisted to the peak for an instant and then slowly lowered to the half-staff position. The flag should be again raised to the peak before it is lowered for the day. On Memorial Day the flag should be displayed at half-staff until noon only, then raised to the top of the staff.  

Last Updated on May 25th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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