Dexter, Missouri - Brenda Dowdy was chosen as the winner of the recent Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) drawing of a beautiful Dexter Bearcat quilt.
The PTO was created to promote the welfare of children in the school and to provide a closer relationship between school and home.
To promote educational awareness in the home.
To support adequate laws for the care and protection of all students.
To promote thru an educational program directed toward parents, teachers, and the general public and are developed thru conferences, committees, projects and programs.
The PTO is there to provide support for the teachers and students.
The PTO helps with costs of classroom supplies, field trips, playground equip., family fun nights, etc...
Pictured from left to right are Angie Dugan, Brenda Dowdy, and Kim Sifford.

Dexter, Missouri - Hannah Thurmon and Maci Daniels received $1,000 scholarships from the Dexter Kiwanis Club. Scholarships will help with costs to attend college in the fall for each student.
Hannah is the daughter of Matt and Minday Thurmon.
She participated in volleyball for three year and basketball all four years of high school.
Hannah is a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Business Leaders of America, Sr. Beta Club, Pepp Club, and Future Teachers of America.
In volleyball her sophomore and senior seasons, she earned All Conference, 1st Team All District, 1st Team All Region, 1st Team All State and received the Dexter High School team Blocking Award.
Hannah received the Kill and Blocking Award in the SEMO Conference her senior season as well.
In basketball she earned All Conference, All District, and the Dexter High School team Blocking Award in both her freshman and junior season. As a senior she has made the Lady Royals Classic All-Tournament Team ans was the Player of the Game at the Poplar Bluff Shootout.
Her future plans are to play basketball at Three Rivers College and major in Nursing. She signed a letter of intent earlier this school year.
Maci is the daughter of John and Lori Daniels.
She has participated in volleyball four years and basketball cheer four years,
She is also a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Future Business Leaders of America, Future Teachers of America, National Honors Society, Sr. Beta, Model UN, Tobacco Free Missouri Youth Group, and Student Council.
Maci was a Top 10% for three years and Academic All State Volleyball her junior and senior years.
Her future plans are to attend Austin Peay University to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Dexter, Missouri - The Sonic Drive-In located at 702 N. One Mile Road in Dexter will have a Super Sonic Fundraiser on Monday, April 23, 2018 from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
10% of all sales will benefit the Southwest Bearcat Buddy Bench.
Please join them for some good food and fun and help raise money for a good cause!