Local Schools

National Technical Honor Society Spring Induction 2018
April 17th 2018 by Dee Loflin
National Technical Honor Society Spring Induction 2018
Poplar Bluff, Missouri - A total of 19 Poplar Bluff Technical Career Center students were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society during the second annual induction ceremony on Thursday, March 8, at the High School.
In addition to receiving recommendations by program instructors, students must achieve a 9.0 cumulative grade point average at the TCC and an 8.0 non-weighted GPA on all other high school work, maintain 95 percent attendance and have good citizenship with no suspensions during their secondary education career.
“This is a great organization for the career center students to be recognized,” said Vo Special Needs Guidance Educator Barbie Hon, NTHS sponsor. “Vocational school has sometimes gotten a negative reputation for only having students that don’t excel in academics. However, we have several very bright students every year and this organization recognizes those students for their hard work and dedication.”
The local NTHS chapter was established in 2017 under the direction of Becki Shrum, now a MO Options teacher at the Graduation Center. The new inductees join nine seniors who were sworn in last year.
Pictured: Alongside Barbie Hon (far left) and TCC Director Charles Kinsey (far right), pictured (in alphabetical order) are Alana Adams, Eve Brazel, Ariana Burkhart, Michael Fox, Brooke Francisco, Tara Hutchinson, Jaykota Kearbey, Taylor Noel, Cody Osborn, Kaitlyn Ruminer, Autumn Stimmell, Ethan Tinnin, Randall White and Trevor White. Not present were Michaelyn Hatton, Lucas Nicolini, Clayton Riddle, James Hillis and Joseph Morlan.

Article and Photo submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on April 17th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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