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Voting Underway for County Extension Council
January 17th 2018 by Dee Loflin
Voting Underway for County Extension Council
Stoddard County, Missouri - Voting for the members of the Stoddard County Extension Council has begun and will continue through January 29, 2018.  All Stoddard County citizens age 18 or older are eligible to vote for two nominees countywide.

The Extension Office, located at the south end of the old county courthouse, on the square, in Bloomfield, will be used as a polling place for this year’s election.  Voting can be done by coming to the Extension Office and requesting a 2018 ballot.  Extension Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for voting.

The Stoddard County University of Missouri Extension Council determines the educational programs, policies and approves staff of University Extension for Stoddard County as set by law.  In addition, in cooperation with the Stoddard County Commission, they arrange for financing the local portion of the programs.

Some of  the educational programs available through University Extension in Stoddard County deal with large scale agriculture and small scale farming enterprises, home economics, community development, horticulture, continuing education, 4-H and youth development, business development, homemaker clubs and foods and nutrition for low-income families.  These programs, open to all citizens, are provided by county area-based and campus based specialists and paraprofessionals through the University of Missouri and Lincoln University.

The winning candidates will start their new terms during the Stoddard County Extension Council’s annual meeting in March.

Last Updated on January 17th 2018 by Dee Loflin

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