Bloomfield, Missouri - The Bloomfield Board of Education met on Monday, January 8, 2018.
Sr Beta Club students Noah Hester, Parker Heaton, Dalton Phillips, and Jewell Chism presented to the board. They spoke about the state convention and other activities - the students did a great job presenting.
In other business, the board:
1. Tabled the approval of policy/procedures until next month
2. Approved Lauren Tippen as the Belcher Scholarship candidate for Bloomfield High School
3. Approved the Bond Extension named Proposition A - this bond extension would keep the debt service levy the same and generate $1.35 million dollars for capital improvements.
4. Reviewed the list of board candidates who have filed to date. Scott Gibbs and Brad Warner have signed up. Board sign ups close at 5 pm on Tuesday, Jan 16.
The principals each gave their building reports.
Board Recognition Week is January 21-27, 2018. Please take a few minutes to let our board members know how much we appreciate the time and effort they give to our district!
In executive session, the board:
1. Approved Amy McDonald as a substitute pending proper paperwork and background check.
2. Hired Lecia Dixon as special education teacher for the 2018-19 school year.
3. Extended Superintendent Toni Hill's contract through the 2019-20 school year.