
#DexterFirst Q's Comics and Games by Nancy Vines

#DexterFirst Q's Comics and Games by Nancy Vines

#DexterFirst Q’s Comics & Games By Nancy Nelson Vines

As its name implies, Q’s Comics & Games is a store that sells comics and games; however, what the name doesn’t tell you, is that this business not only sells merchandise, but also provides hours of entertainment and fun for those whose passion is gaming. “We hold weekly tournaments for our top three games, and maybe a few others,’ says owner Travis Quertermous. Three game rooms provide ample space for participants and on-lookers to actively engage in this popular pastime.

Quertermous says that his business springs from his own-lifelong interest, which is shared with his son Brandon, who is co-owner of the shop.  “About seven years ago we began attending ComicCon (comic book convention)  as a hobby—I have been reading and collecting comics my whole life—and a couple of years later began buying and selling comics. 

Q’s has a room totally devoted to old comic books.  In the Back Issue Room prices range from one dollar to five dollars, with the oldest comic dating to 1945. New comics are also available, and new issues are received weekly.

In addition to comics and games packs of collectible trading cards are sold, as well as paperbacks, vintage toys, and action figures.  They also carry T-shirts and posters. “We don’t carry video games and we don’t deal in sports merchandise,” the owner added.

The board games found at Q’s are not what is typically available in the big box stores.  Q’s caters to the special interest offering classic games with a pop-culture twist.  Among the most popular are Monopoly—The Walking Dead; Clue—Harry Potter; and Battleship—Pirates of the Caribbean.  “The best-selling board game is Munchkin, and we have a monthly “Munchkin Day,” Quertermous noted. Our most popular role-playing game is Dungeons and Dragons.”

You will find Q’s Comics & Games: Your one-stop shop for comics and collectibles, at 222 North Walnut in Dexter.  Their business hours are noon to midnight Monday through Friday, and 10:00 to midnight on Saturday. Sunday hours are noon to 5:00.

Pictured above are owners, Travis and Kelly Quertermous.

Q Comic 2

New comic books arrive weekly at Q's Comics and Games.

Q Comic 3

Action figures are a popular item at Q’s.

Pop-culture board games offer a new twist on old classics.

Written by Dee Loflin
Date: December 21st 2017
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