
#DexterFirst Ted’s Sport Shop By Nancy Vines

#DexterFirst Ted’s Sport Shop By Nancy Vines

#DexterFirst  Ted’s Sport Shop By Nancy Nelson Vines

Located on West Business Highway 60, nestled between a hair salon and furniture rental company, is Ted’s Sport Shop. Ted Denkins has been in business in this spot for 45 years, and his parents owned a TV repair shop there before that.  “All told,” says Denkins, “my family has occupied this building for about 63 years.”

Ted’s Sport Shop was originally a bait and fishing tackle business that he began with his brother-in-law; however, bait shops quickly became popular in Dexter, so Denkins decided to change the focus of his store.  An avid competitive archer, he began to merchandise archery equipment rather than fishing.  

Denkins and his brother Bill participated in Olympic-Style competitions for many years.  One wall of his business is lined with awards attesting to their skill in this physically demanding sport. “I still bow hunt, but no longer enter the competitions”he said.  “Both Bill and I shot at the trials for the 1980 Summer Olympics, which were to be held in Moscow.  Bill made it, but I did not.  Sadly, though, that was the year the US boycotted the Olympics because of  the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. They held a SportsFest in Texas instead.” Denkins recalled. “It wasn’t the same.”

Ted’s Sport Shop carries all types of new and used bows, arrows, hunting accessories, and some hunting apparel. In addition, he repairs bows and makes bows and arrows. “I’m not as fast as I used to be,” he says, “but I’m better. I’m still learning.”

Ted’s Sport Shop is located at 109 West Business Highway 60 in Dexter. Business hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 to 5:00 and Saturday 9:00 to 1:00.

Pictured above: Ted Denkins has been in business for 45 years.

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Ted’s Sport Shop is located at 109 W. Business Hwy. 60 in Dexter.

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A variety of bows and arrows are available at Ted’s Sport Shop.

Written by Dee Loflin
Date: December 20th 2017
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