Local Schools

Graduation Center Students Become Work-Ready Certified
December 21st 2017 by Dee Loflin
Graduation Center Students Become Work-Ready Certified
Over a dozen students graduated and two scholarships were awarded during the Gateway 2 Jobs commencement on Wednesday, Oct. 25, at Poplar Bluff High School.

Founded by the Poplar Bluff Chamber of Commerce, the program gives students at the Graduation Center an opportunity to learn insider tips from local industry professionals about gaining employment. Business leaders visited the class throughout the month to share about topics such as resume writing and job interviewing.  

“We are blessed in this community to have folks who could be sitting in the office making more money but take the time out of their day because they care about these kids getting a job in the workforce,” said Steve Halter, chamber president.

The program began seven years ago as the brainchild of Halter and businesswoman Sharon Kissinger of Kissinger & Kirkman Investment Centre, who felt there was a need for a work-readiness program, and have a soft spot for students working on credit recovery due to various life circumstances.

In addition to participating in a series of lectures in order to earn certificates of completion, students had to complete volunteer work in the community, maintain a GPA above passing and have no discipline referrals.

“Finish what you start, take some risks, have a plan but be willing to adjust, dream big and put steps in place to achieve those goals,” advised regional director Jomo Castro of AT&T Missouri, which was one of several business sponsors. The contacts that students made throughout the course of the program will continue to be resources for them in the community, Castro noted.

Kissinger, along with the Three Rivers Endowment Trust, awarded students Michaela Swift and Jerry Faughn with $500 scholarships respiectively to the community college based on essays submitted. Mayor Ed DeGaris was present for the ceremony to personally congratulate the graduates.

Pictured are students display their certificates with program supporters. Graduates were (in alphabetical order) Richard Anderson, Brian Battles, Kyle Blanchard, Jordan Brown, Dakota Carlton, Jerry Faughn, Krista Johnson, Corey Lashley, Laquarious Marshall, Floyd Ray, Michael Simpson and Deamario Thomas. Not present was Michaela Swift.

Article and photo submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on December 21st 2017 by Dee Loflin

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Three Rivers College Student Receives Achievement Scholarship
December 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin
Three Rivers College Student Receives Achievement Scholarship
Three Rivers College student and Oran resident Katy Wondel was awarded the Three Rivers Endowment Trust’s Achievement Scholarship. The Achievement Scholarship is awarded to a student in Three Rivers College’s Nursing or Business programs.
The Achievement Scholarship is administered by the Three Rivers Endowment Trust. To learn more about investing in Three Rivers College students through scholarships, contact Director of Development Michelle Reynolds at 573-840-9077 or michellereynolds@trcc.edu.
Pictured are from left to right:  Allen Brooks, Three Rivers Endowment Trust Board Member; Mark Stidham, Three Rivers Endowment Trust Board Member; Katy Wondel, scholarship recipient; Dr. Wesley Payne, President of Three Rivers College; and Eric Schalk, Chair of the Three Rivers College Board of Trustees.

Last Updated on December 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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District-Wide Public Speaking Contest Winner
December 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin
District-Wide Public Speaking Contest Winner
Poplar Bluff High School senior Logan Dunlap won the Southeast District speaking portion of the 2017 Missouri Sheep Producers State FFA contest earlier this month at Osage Beach, later placing fourth at state.
The contest is designed to develop individual public speaking skills and to promote interest in and awareness of the many different aspects of the sheep industry, according to a press release issued by the organization. Logan’s speech topic was sheep production in Missouri.
Logan is a senior FFA officer at PBHS with plans of running for state office, according to his sponsor Kathryn Clark, agriculture teacher. Last spring, he earned a group one rating at the state competition for extemporaneous speaking.

Pictured: Logan Dunlap (far left), along with the other district-wide winners, were presented awards and $50 checks on Sunday, Dec. 3, at the Tan-Tar-A Resort.

Photo and article submitted by Tim Krakowiak, Communications/Marketing Director, Poplar Bluff R-I School District

Last Updated on December 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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SW Elementary Honors 2nd Grade Students
December 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin
SW Elementary Honors 2nd Grade Students
Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors second grade students with Positive Office Referral certificates.

This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.

Each student received a certificate and a FREE Taco from Taco Bell.

Pictured from left to right: Savannah Loafman, Jeremiah Feece,  Drake Carmode, and Leeonnah Kestner.

Last Updated on December 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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First Grade Students Earn Positive Office Certificates
December 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin
First Grade Students Earn Positive Office Certificates
Dexter, Missouri - Southwest Elementary honors first grade students with Positive Office Referral certificates.

This award is presented to students who consistently show the 3R's RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and READY TO LEARN at Southwest Elementary in Dexter.

Each student received a certificate and a FREE Taco from Taco Bell.

Pictured front row from left to right:  Harley Haws, Brayden Stanford, Parker Keena, Dylan Hammond, and Fallon Corbin.

Back row from left to right:  Kenton Barbour,  Aiden McClish, Peyton Dudley, Corben Irving, Kingston Banken, and Lindsay Christian.

Last Updated on December 19th 2017 by Dee Loflin

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